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The Avengers (Forever Yesterday Timeline)
First Appearance: New Warriors (Volume One) #11
Roster: (Bottom, left to right) – Horus, Captain Assyria, Iron Man. (Top, left to right) – Sceptre, Nova, Storm
Origin: During the Forever Yesterday story line, reality was different than the standard, known Marvel Universe. Back when Moses demanded that his people be freed, it turned out that the Pharaoh’s wizard used more powerful magic in the challenge that Moses had presented, which resulted in the murder of Moses, and altering time from that moment forward.
Some time later, a sole survivor of a vicious sandstorm, a female servant discovered an ancient tomb where she found the Ka Stone. She took it and gave it to the Pharaoh as a gift, and as he placed it on his head, he became the being known as Sphinx. As thanks he took the woman who found the Ka Stone as his wife, and he was granted immortality.
With this new found power, the Sphinx stretched out across the land, enslaving all who opposed him. This lead to numerous wars, which were proving more difficult to control from Cairo, as the Sphinx’s hold expanded across the world. Together, he and his wife moved to the United States of Assyria.
The Sphinx eventually grew tired of the wars, and removed the Ka Stone from his head and placed it on his wife’s head, as his body immediately decayed, much to her horror.
Lady Sphinx had brought the world under her rule and during this time formed The Avengers in which mutants were hunted. The Avengers were based out of the United States of Assyria. Interestingly enough, despite that it seems mutants are hunted, Storm is on the team. When Wolverine attempts to assist the rebellion against the Avengers, Captain Assyria sets up the finish that allows Horus to incinerate Wolverine down to his adamantium skeleton. Captain Assyria makes mention that Assyrian Eagle, one of their members had died in a previous fight. Nova spots where the Mutant Rebellion base is but does not report it to the Avengers. Back at their base, it becomes clear that Horus and Storm are married, while Iron Man and Sceptre are in a relationship. A being named Sayge visits Nova, who explains that all is not right in the world at that Sayge represents the embodiment of truth.
Sayge revealed that in truth, the Pharaoh’s wizard should have lost the battle to Moses, and that when Sphinx became the power house that he was, that he would go on to encounter a being known as Galactus who would play the cruel jest of sending Sphinx back in time to be cursed to constantly relive his life, trapped in a time continuum. However, the woman who loved the Sphinx would eventually find the Ka Stone and unleash it’s power, forever altering time and changing how events played out, in an attempt to ensure that the Sphinx would live.
The Mutant Rebellion attacks Lady Sphinx, and Nova joins their forces in fighting against his former teammates, the Avengers. They discover that the link is Lady Sphinx’s cat; and they capture it and threaten to kill it. She surrenders, but with the truth revealed, the cat crumbles to dust and reality is restored.