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The issue opens up with the Power Pack kids clinging to the Statue of Liberty trying not to be pulled into Jakal, the Snark’s, ship. With them is Franklin Richards (son of Reed & Sue Richards of the Fantastic Four), and a Kymellian by the name of Lord Kofi, who had just recently crashed landed on Earth. As they cling to the Statue of Liberty, Katie calls Franklin a Tattletale (which would go on to be his “superhero name” in the pages of Power Pack later). Kofi explains that it’s not a tractor beam that Jakal is using; but a sweeper ray that specifically targets the Power kids when they’re using their powers.
Kofi teleports into Jakal’s ship and slams some of the controls, allowing the Power Pack children to be free of the sweeper ray; but Kofi isn’t quick enough to teleport away before being back handed by Jakal and rendered unconscious. Jakal then uses a blast that looks like bubbles but chases the Power Pack children the more they use their power; ensnaring Alex first. Katie tries to blast the ship which attracts one of the bubbles, but Julie sweeps down at full speed and grabs Katie and Franklin. They manage to escape by going down into a subway and jumping on the next subway that comes.
Jakal wraps up Alex so that he’s rendered unconscious; then uses a device to torture Kofi, until he confesses he was able to track the Power Pack children by using the Kymellian coin she had been given before; because it has a transmitter on it. The scene shifts and the Power Pack kids see Jakal’s ship; and Julie comes up with a plan – and distracts Jakal by flying at full speed. Alex uses his cloud form to get inside the ship then shrinks himself and frees Kofi. He tells Kofi to teleport Alex out of the ship; and Kofi explains that he’s never teleported more than himself. Kofi does so after some convincing and successfully gets Alex off the ship. With that, Jack leaves the ship and signals Julie who turns into an alleyway of abandoned buildings, while still being pursued by Jakal and his capturing bubble. She veers up just before hitting a wall and the bubble collides into Jakal’s ship, obscuring his view; coming clear, only seconds before impact into an abandoned building, with explosive results. Julie’s too close and rendered unconscious, but a more confident Kofi teleports and catches her in mid-air and brings her down to the ground safely.
Katie and Franklin go to see the crash (Katie insists, while Franklin urges that it’s a bad idea). Confident that nothing can survive, Katie coaxes Franklin; only to discover that Jakal is not so easily killed and steps out of his burning ship. Jack sees this and tries the trick of going from cloud to mini-self for the mass impact; but it barely has any effect on Jakal who flings Jack away as if he were a gnat. Katie and Franklin develop a plan based on Franklin’s dream he had; using Franklin as a decoy so that Katie can blast him. It renders him unconscious and Power Pack uses the neuro-wrapping that renders him unconscious. With Jakal defeated, Franklin is sad to go back; so Katie has Friday, the Smart Ship, develop and create a costume for Franklin, in the same vane as the rest of Power Pack, and he adopts the name Tattletale.
He returns to Avengers Mansion where Jarvis is ecstatic to see that Franklin is unharmed.