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The issue opens up with a man who seems to be leering at people, as if looking for someone to pick; and there’s a note that this man is about to murder an innocent person whom he doesn’t know.
The scene shifts to Cloak in an alleyway suffers from hunger; but he no longer consumes food, but rather he feeds off the light and essence of people. He stumbles across a pimp who beats a young prostitute for not turning over enough tricks and producing enough revenue for her to pay for her next fix. Cloak pulls the pimp into the shadows of his cloak and feeds off his light; but finds, much to his surprise that the hooker begins hitting Cloak saying to release the pimp, because he has fed her, put a roof over her head, and given her food. Cloak releases the pimp, who falls out of the shadows, shivering and buried behind a wall of his own fears.
Dagger shows up and tells Cloak that she has enough light to sustain them both. The prostitute shouts at Dagger asking if she plans on hurting the pimp too; and Dagger says that if she was purified would she still love her pimp. Dagger throws a light dagger that pierces the prostitute who suddenly feels the addiction was away from her. Without the addiction to keep her bound to her pimp, she rises up and finds that she wants to be away from him and the streets and leaves.
Cloak and Dagger depart and witness the funeral of a woman who has died recently of cyanide being placed in regular headache medicine. Captain O’Reilly is there and speaks with Father Francis briefly before leaving. When Captain O’Reilly leaves, Dagger decides that her light daggers are able to heal; so she attempts – and fails – at resurrecting the innocent woman.
The scene shifts to the man at the beginning who was said to be a murderer – and it shows him switching some headache medicine with some of his own which contained cyanide in it, and walked away smiling.
Cloak and Dagger seek out Captain O’Reilly and explain that they want to hunt down the madman who is killing people by tampering with the headache medicine and lacing them with cyanide. Captain O’Reilly shares that she believes the person responsible is a man named Duane Hellman, who was recently fired from several drugstores – and suspects that the next target is the third and final store he had been fired from. Cloak & Dagger teleport and find Duane in his apartment, tampering with children’s medicine. Cloak and Dagger are furious and Cloak pulls Duane into the shadows of his cloak just as Captain O’Reilly arrives and tries to pull Duane free, but is unable to. Cloak explains that Duane has been taken care of and will never be a problem again.