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This is a Secret Wars II tie in issue.
The issue opens up with Kurse demanding the people of Earth to give him Thor. It briefly shows a background where The Beyonder had restored Kurse and notes the events took place in Secret Wars II #4.
The scene cuts to Franklin having a dream where Kurse is chasing the Power Pack kids. The scene shifts quickly to the Power Pack kids, using their powers and heading for school, when Alex realizes he’s forgotten his report; fearful he will be late, he asks Julie to fly back; but she says then she would be late too. Kofi suddenly appears and gives Alex his paper; and explains that they’re his family now since his father is furious with him; and Kofi is admittedly furious at his father, that he would even consider entering a parlay with the evil Snarks.
The scene shifts to Margaret Power speaking with a co-worker; when they go outside, they see a commotion and Margaret is struck by Kurse. The Beyonder arrives and creates a platform to fly her to the nearest hospital. The Beyonder than finds the kids and informs them of what happens and transports them directly to the hospital. The Power Pack kids get it in their head that they need to take down Kurse for hurting their mother (unaware of the sheer powerhouse that is Kurse!) Kofi joins them and together they find Kurse tearing up a construction yard, still demanding to fight Thor. They knock Kurse into a hole, which sends flashbacks of him falling into magma. He lashes out and sends Julie flying; who is caught by Kofi; and Alex as well, however, he slams into a steel. It knocks the wind out of Alex; and Katie uses an energy ball to send steel beams (iron, actually) falling on Kurse, who screams about how iron is the dark elf’s weakness. Alex uses his power to make Kurse float above the steel beams; then increases his weight, sending Kurse plowing through several floors; but Kurse barely notices. They finally send the whole steel (iron?) building on Kurse, who finally falls silent.
Kofi agrees to return home to face his father; and Friday, the Smart Ship agrees to take him. At dinner, the Power Pack kids and their father are deeply saddened as Margaret has not awakened from her coma.
The scene shifts to Franklin dreaming of Kurse rising from the rubble; and a note says that the story concludes in Thor #363.