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The issue begins with Power Pack fighting the now, evil Frankie Raye – and they dump a water tower on her, but the backlash apparently makes Alex dissipate in his cloud form.
On board the Smartship Friday, it begins to operate on the Elan alien while giving the homeless man a haircut – where, inside the human, Friday senses great, untapped potential, similar to Frankie Raye when she had originally lost her powers after the battle with the Star-Stalker.
Back on Earth, James Power has a meeting with Reed Richards, where he expresses concern that his kids have formed a team, and that Franklin is also a part of that team. Reed dismisses the idea, when he suddenly sees a bright light in the horizon and excuses himself. James Power gives chase, saying that the light seems to be coming close to where their apartment complex is located. They arrive on the scene, and while Franklin is absent from the fighting in the park, it confirms with Reed and James – that indeed, the Power kids have formed a team.
Back on the Smartship, Franklin finds he can leave his body and enter the body of the homeless man who has cleaned up nicely. The Smartship Friday come s out of a hyperspace jump right next to Galactus’ ship and draws the attention of the planet eater himself.
Back on Earth, Reed helps in the fight against Frankie Raye by adjusting the Simulator settings; and with the help of Jack’s ability to absorb energy – just as newscasters arrive on the scene. Alex spots the news teams and uses his cloud form to cover them from the peering eyes of cameras. At home, Margaret catches the news footage of her children fighting Frankie Raye and loses her mind again.
Onboard the Smartship Friday, it’s revealed that Friday had to remove one of the Elan’s antennae in order for it to survive. Galactus speaks with Franklin and explains that he will not devour the Earth – that there may be another way. Franklin and Friday immediately race back to Earth, where James Power is watching his children fight Frankie Raye with an expression of awe and horror. Franklin arrives on Earth with a gun called The Elemental Obliterator – and knows that using it on Frankie Raye will kill Franklin; but that’s when the Elan aliens pulls it out of Franklin’s hand and pulls the trigger on Frankie Raye.
There’s an odd reaction where a bubble circles around each of the members of Power Pack – even Franklin – due to their powers being linked – and they’re able to not only save the Elan alien; but also restore Frankie Raye to her fiery form (without being evil). Frankie Raye thanks them and departs to return to Galactus’ side.
At the Power home; Margaret is having the breakdown of her life…