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Woodland High in Woodlawn Heights, Bronx New York, Connor Young, who is a high school basketball star is about to have his life drastically changed – by several events.
Playing for the Woodland High Banshees, Connor lands the winning score just as the clock runs out. We learn from Connor’s best friend, Derek Lu, that Conner had earned a scholarship to ESU and had hoped to go professional.
However, inside the locker room after a brief celebration, Connor suffers a major dizzying experience – and barely holds it together, until his best friend Derek snaps him out of it – and Connor brushes it off, saying it happens from time to time.
On the way home, Connor and Derek see police who tell the boys to be careful, because there’d been a robbery done by three individuals with “futuristic weapons” – like “ray guns” – same as several weeks before, when they’d robbed a place called “McLean’s.” As Connor and Derek continue on their way they run into Shawn Trella, who had formerly played with the Banshees as well. Shawn is with two others. Connor asks how it’s been being back, and Shawn mentions that he wasn’t fast enough for the professionals so he was back helping his uncle at the bar.
The following morning, he gets up feeling unwell, but believes it’s low sugar. He drinks water and goes for a run – and during the run, collapses. Later that night, Derek comes by to talk to Connor but Connor’s father explains that it’s not a good time – but then Derek spots Connor’s coach – Coach Pavlich in the house – and begins asking what’s going on. When Derek comes in, Connor reveals he has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. When pizza arrives Derek pays for it – and Connor’s father notes it was expensive – but Derek explains he needs to do something to feel useful.
When Connor comes in, he’s clearly distraught by the news, as well as the notion that his scholarship to ESU will be pulled as soon as they learn he has Multiple Sclerosis.
At the next Banshee game, Connor is there, but when he hears people talking about him being benched, he can’t force himself to stay any longer and departs.
His life is about to make a drastic change again.
He makes his way towards a wharf where he sits – and at that moment, streaking through the sky – something hits the pier causing a massive explosion. As Connor goes to investigate, another wave of Multiple Sclerosis strikes and Connor collapses – but he finds himself lying next to a glowing gem on the ground that seems to be calling his name. When he touches it – he’s suddenly changed into Darkhawk – but immediately has energy wings and knows how to use it – and quickly rescues some works on the pier. The worker tells him about three people who attacked the storage area – and when Darkhawk goes to investigate he finds himself fighting three people who seem to be using futuristic weapons – he defeats them, but all three of them manage to escape.
The scene shifts and we see the three men being scolded by none other than Shawn Trella – about how he’d say to make sure it wasn’t “flashy” – they didn’t need the attention. One of the men explains that it wasn’t supposed to be “flashy” – something else had to have happened. And Shawn explains he doesn’t want to hear excuses. One of the figures removes his hood, and reveals it’s Derek Lu – Connor’s best friend!