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The issue begins with Nova responding to various distress calls around the universe; and he’s shown to effortlessly open Star Gates and go through them, on his power alone. He gets a call to respond to a planet that has unleashed a living weapon as a form of defense, but can no longer control it. Nova arrives at the destination in a matter of moments, and comes face to face with the “weapon” they call – Planetfall – a living, gigantic, robotic weapon of destruction.
As Nova engages in combat with Planetfall, WorldMind tries to convince Nova that it’s time to rebuild the Nova Corps. Nova argues that there isn’t enough time – that all these planets are in need of dire help thanks to the after effects of the Annihilation Wave. Nova gets WorldMind to pinpoint Planetfall’s weakness, and destroys it. The aliens thank Nova, who then tells them that it would be best if they got a hold of the Space Knight Restitution Initiative, to help restore the planet.
Nova takes off from there and has WorldMind give him the next set of coordinates that is broadcasting a help message. WorldMind tells Nova that if he keeps his current pace, he’s going to literally burn himself out. Nova tells WorldMind that there’s too much to do and not enough time to stop. Nova then proceeds through the Star Gate and comes to the Kree based planet, finding itself under attack from some of the remnants of the Annihilation Wave.
With minimal effort, Nova defeats them and takes off to his next location. However, WorldMind alters his destination, sending Nova crash landing, unexpectedly into Earth’s Moon.
On Earth, the energy signature is registered by a S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier that is being run by none other than Nova. Unfortunately for Nova, he’s unaware of the events of Civil War among heroes…