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(Note: This is a part of the Inferno cross over)
The Bogeyman escapes with James and Margaret Power, with Katie giving chase. He reveals to James who he was formerly (Douglas Carmody, James’ previous boss) – and why he’s become what he is now (see Power Pack #42 for more on that). Power Pack gives chase, but in his new form, there seems to be very little that Bogey Man can’t do.
In space, Yrik and Kofi are returning home, due to summons from Byrel. They arrive and inquiry about Friday; and Byrel assures them that while repairs are going smoothly, and they’re even making enhancements to Friday; it’s a matter of her soul fading, and none can figure out why.
Back on Earth, Power Pack finds themselves under attack by winged demons. Power Pack quickly overwhelms the demons and continues the search for their parents; but what they find is a horrific scene of demons ripping infants from the arms of mothers and fathers alike, and striking down any who resist. They help restore order and drive the demons away for now. Katie finally spots Bogey Man on a skyscraper holding their parents. Julie asks why he hates them so much and he scoffs and mentions they ruined his business, his marriage, and his life. He then threatens to twist off the faces of James and Margaret; but Jack throws Alex onto the Bogey Man and threatens to incinerate him; but the Bogey Man laughs and yells, “Fetch!” as he throws their parents from the skyscraper.
Katie and Julie go after them, and Katie knows she can’t carry both even if she catches up and Julie can’t go solid; Julie thinks about using her cloud form to make an air mattress down below to stop their fall; but instead generates bubbles that absorb the kinetic impact; something Jack was never able to do with the powers.
Meanwhile on the skyscraper, Jack and Alex fight against the Bogey Man. Katie and Julie arrive with their parents; and Alex is so far bent with all that Bogey Man swears to do that he charges up and swears he will kill him. Julie says there has to be another way, as does his father; but Alex doesn’t see it – he knows the Bogey Man will torment and rip the family apart until he’s killed, like he’s already tried repeatedly.
It seems the family is fractured and Bogey Man laughs, because he’s won; believing that the love the Powers had for one another was fake and once put to the test would never hold up. Seeing how they’re acting, they realize that there is a better way and the family comes together again, explaining that despite the recent reveal that their children have powers, that they still love one another, and that they’ve always believed in the good in people and the good in one another.
James confronts Bogey Man when he claims that the Power children are abominations. James shoves Bogey Man’s face in the window and questions who the real monster is; and that he has a face only a mother can love; and that no matter what he does, they are a family. Bogey Man sees his reflection and recalls how neither his mother nor his father ever showed him love. With that, he flings himself off the building and into the fiery street below, shouting for his mother as he fell.
The Powers return home and their apartment seems normal; but the kids explain that the city is still in trouble and they need to help save it; and leave once again.