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The issue begins with Franklin having a dream of a Sentinel claiming he is the Twelfth Mutant and must die; but he awakes and runs to his parents, Reed and Sue Richards (better known as Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four). They tell Franklin they were just about to get him up, because he has to get ready to get dressed.
At the Power’s home, the kids are cleaning the house to get it ready for Franklin and his parents to come by and visit. Katie tells Julie that sometimes she wished she could talk to their mother and father about some of the things – some of the sad things that they’ve seen and done. Julie explains that they need to keep their powers hidden.
The Fantastic Four and Franklin arrive at the Power’s home via their Fantasti-Car on the roof. They drop off Franklin to hang out with the Powers while they go take care of some other matters.
Elsewhere, deep in the ocean a Sentinel awakens – better known as Master Mold – and regains memory of a battle with a green beast (see Hulk Annual #1), then later a battle with a mutant named Cyclops (see X-Factor #14). The Sentinel begins reconstructing itself and sensing that Franklin Richards will grow up to be one of The Twelve – Twelve Mutants, who in the future, will gather mutants around them and ensure the rise of Mutant Kind.
While Power Pack is outside hanging out with Franklin, the Sentinel rises; and Power Pack spots it. Katie takes Franklin so that she can hide him, while the rest of Power Pack tries to take down the Sentinel. But Franklin comes up with the idea of using his “Dream Walk” power to make the Sentinel that he’s crushed him. Julie uses her cloud powers to cover the Sentinel’s sensors, while Katie uses her rainbow trail to further confuse the Sentinel. Jack and Alex in the meantime land on the Sentinel’s shoulder and Alex begins to disintegrate the Sentinel. Alex absorbs so much that the rest of the Power children flee and he unleashes it on the Sentinel, leaving a crater in the wake of his explosion. The Power Pack kids come back for Alex and leave; unaware that a small piece of circuitry survived the explosion.