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The issue begins with Dagger questioning who Mr. Jip is and he goes into his origin; he was a child with simple parents, and he wanted something more, so at a very young age, he left home to seek and uncover the secrets of the world. During his travels he heard of a mysterious city, devoid of death or sickness called Kamar-Taj, which was high in the Himalayas. It was a tedious, long, and brutal journey and by the time he arrived he found the city plagued with death and disease. (To discover the fate and more about Kamar-Taj, see Strange Tales (Volume 1) #148, which details more about the Ancient One). He was then approached by a man who had asked why he had come there. He explains he came seeking knowledge and this mysterious stranger offered to teach it to him; and thus Mr. Jip became the first student of the mysterious man known as The Ancient One. He goes on to say that he unlocked forbidden secrets that had intentionally been locked away, and the Ancient One removed him from the order; but had allowed him to live. Mr. Jip eventually found a way to extend his life by using the bodies of others – though it frequently came to a twisted consequence to the host body as it became disfigured.
Mr. Jip then goes to show the creation of a creature called Yipyap that operated the same way Odin’s Ravens did – they were Mr. Jip’s eyes to see far and beyond. Mr. Jip then goes on to explain that he believes Cloak is immortal and plans to take over his body (but assures Dagger that she is still mortal). Dagger’s heard enough and throws light knives that take out Night; but Day grabs Dagger and the two begin to battle, when a large, demonic hand reaches out from Cloak’s shadows and slams Day against the wall. Mr. Jip takes that moment to leave his henchmen behind and flee. Dagger throws light daggers at the demon which leaps back into the shadows of Cloak’s shroud. Night grabs Day and while Dagger tends to Cloak, who slowly recovers, manages to escape.