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The issue begins with the grandfather of the Power’s children visiting. The Power children are inside the kitchen cleaning up when they make a lot of noise, forcing their mother to come in and check on them.
The next day, Julie is walking home from school with her two friends (sisters), Ruth and Jennie, talking about the stuffed animals they made in school. Three girls approach them, and Ruth and Jennie say they’re bad news. The three girls take some money from them – but also the dolls they had made in school.
Jack finds Julie at home and asks about the doll she was supposed to have made for their grandfather, and Julie explains what happens. Jack and Julie come up with a plan to use the costume they had used on Sunspot (back in Power Pack #33). Julie finds the three girls harassing another girl and uses her cloud form to allow the girl to escape. She then follows the three girls to their place and then attacks them with the costume, but trips over a table and reveals Julie beneath. The three girls begin beating Julie; but the rest of the Power children show up and begin attacking.
Power Pack defeats them and ties them up. Julie recovers the doll and her dollar and the kids leave the box of toys and things these three have stolen; with a note attached of where to find the girls responsible for all of this.
The issue ends with Julie giving her grandfather the sheep doll she’d made for him.