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The issue begins with Katie Power throwing an tantrum while energized, explaining that she wants to go home and be with her mom and dad; but Alex and Julie try to emphasize that the Snarks still have their parents and chances are the Snarks are watching (and waiting) for the kids to return home, because that would be the most obvious thing to do. Katie’s tantrum sparks a fire around the grass, and Alex uses his power to levitate her before she burns anything else down. Jack goes into cloud form and tries to put out the fire, and finally manages to do so – at the expense of his clothes. Julie then flies up looking for Alex and Katie, and finds them and brings them back down to the surface.
Friday explains that Jack loses his clothes because when he goes into cloud form, his clothes do not change with him, and pass through him. Friday then conveniently makes four costumes, each a different color, and each with an emblem to represent their powers; operating similar to unstable molecules, so that they won’t fall off Jack when he goes to cloud form in the future.
The kids go look for the converter and trigger an alarm, where Alex drops on them adding gravity to his hit, while Jack clouds the area; allowing the kids to get inside the building and lock the security guards out. The kids avoid detection inside, by the same security guards by floating outside the window until the guards leave. They over hear Carmody, their father’s boss, talking about using the Annihilation Effect as a weapon. The kids find the converter – and it’s massive – but before they can decide what to do – they trigger an alarm that has Carmody upstairs in a quick moment with several guards – and he gives the command to kill the children. The guards hesitate, which gives Jack and Julie time to react and disarm the guards, while Katie disintegrates the bolts that hold down the Annihilation Effect Converter and blasts a massive hole in the wall, which allows Alex to use his gravitational powers to eventually lift the device through the hole. Alex eventually throws it down from dizzying heights where it shatters on the ground – but not before the Snarks detected it’s location and appear!