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The issue begins with Power Pack, along with Franklin, entering in Avengers Mansion and triggering the alarms (which Franklin notes they must have changed the code recently). The Power Pack kids find themselves face to face with Hercules, Black Knight and Jarvis.
Jarvis explains that Franklin’s parents, along with the rest of the Fantastic Four had taken off into space once they had deciphered Franklin’s message.
Switching to space, Reed and the rest of the Fantastic Four, find themselves under attack from Maraud’s ship. The Fantastic Four turn their ship invisible and in turn board and attack Maraud’s ship.
Back on Earth, The Power Pack children along with Franklin explain everything to Black Knight and Hercules (and Jarvis as well, who is busy making breakfast). Black Knight says that it’s a wild story and would like it confirmed and seeks to speak to the parents of the Power children, who are not are aware of what happened; but unaware of their powers. Alex and Julie debate if it’s past time that their parents knew about their powers.
Back at their parents, when the phone rings, Margaret immediately checks on the children and begins to sob uncontrollably, that they’re missing again. James answers the phone and is told that they’re at Avengers Mansion. When their parents demand to know what’s going on, Franklin says it’s because he began sleep walking and the kids were chasing him, and he led them to Avengers Mansion.
Back up in space, Yrik and Kofi are aboard their ship and seem to be doing better when they spot Maraud’s ship; and the other ship they passed near Earth (the ship that the Fantastic Four were in); they teleport aboard Maraud’s ship and see an all out fight happening onboard. They manage to bring the fight to an end, but not before Reed promises that if Maraud ever tries to harm Franklin again, he will make it his personal mission to hunt her down and make her pay. Kofi and Yrik explain that Franklin has been returned home.
Back on Earth, the Fantastic Four return and are all too happy to see their son and speak with all of Power Pack about what happened – though Power Pack tones it done, never revealing that they had powers.
The issue ends with Johnny Rival, Alex’s own rival at school looking at an X-Factor poster; but realizes that costs money; so he holds a pistol in his hands and swears that he will take care of things himself.