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Real Name: Plan Chu
Aliases:Fang Chu, Tzing Jao, Master Plan
Identity: Secret Identity
Occupation: Would-be Conqueror, Terrorist, Crimelord, Scientist
Citizenship: Chinese Citizen with a criminal record
Place of Birth: Mainland China (exact location unknown)
Known Relatives: Suwan (great-great grandniece), Genghis Khan (ancestor, deceased), Jimmy Woo (shared ancestry)
Group Affiliation: Atlas Foundation, People’s Republic of China, former director of Chinese Division of Hydra
First Appearance: Yellow Claw #1
History: Plan Chu is a descendant of the great Mongolian warlord, Genghis Khan, who has learned to extend his life using the Pool of Blood, along with a formula provided to him by a Tibetan Monk.
During World War II, Plan Chu supported the Axis Forces, likely to facilitate the goals of the Atlas Foundation (which he had been a part of), however when Lady Lotus and her minions in the Super-Axis were defeated by the Invaders, Plan Chu swore vengeance against the United States.
Following World War II, Plan Chu came into conflict with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury, repeatedly, as well as the Fantastic Four. Eventually, he came into conflict with Nova (and Nick Fury) when he decided the best way to ensure there would be no more wars is if he simply took over the world – and for his first act, to show his power – was to send a tidal wave to New York to destroy it. Thankfully, S.H.I.E.L.D. was able to take care of the tidal wave while Nick Fury and Nova focused on Plan Chu where his sky craft exploded; and he was believed to have died. However, he would surface again, this time clashing with the Avengers, and yet again, his ship exploded and the Avengers believed him to be dead.
Plan Chu would eventually manipulate Jimmy Woo, and believed he’d attained the power he’d needed to become the proper heir as Khan of the Eternal Empire and C.E.O. of the Atlas Foundation. Accepting this role, Jimmy Woo became the Khan and C.E.O. – and Plan Chu allowed his essence to be devoured by the dragon, Lao – so that only Jimmy Woo would remain.
Height: 6’2″
Weight: 210 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Bald
Skin: Plan Chu’s flesh tone is unusually pale, with a yellow tint; and also quite noticably is he’s been portrayed from time to time as having slightly pointed ears. The reasons for his flesh and ears are unknown; but undoubtedly results of a by-product of extending his own life.
Powers: Plan Chu is a master illusionist. He’s tapped into the psychic abilities so that his illusions can alter a person’s sensory perception so that they see, hear, and even feel the illusions being projected into the mind. He has also used this ability to memorize and allow him to mind control the individual. He is also considered one of the smartest people on the planet, who is a genius level at biochemistry and engineering. Throughout his life time he’d also mastered hand-to-hand combat and gained mystical knowledge that allowed him to animate the dead.
Note: Plan Chu was historically called – and introduced as – “Yellow Claw.” However, due to the slandering implications of the name in an issue of Agents of Atlantis #4 (2006), Plan Chu says not to call him Yellow Claw because of the Western slandering implications of the name and that it’s Golden Claw. Out of respect, I have him here listed as Golden Claw for that very reason.