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Real Name: Not Applicable
Aliases: Jake Waffles
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Knight, Pilot of Wundagore Mountain
Citizenship: Not Applicable
Place of Birth: Wundagore Mountain
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: Knights of Wundagore
First Appearance:
New Warriors (v5) #5
History: Caninus was a dog that had been evolved by High Evolutionary, and recruited into New Men, which later became The Knights of Wundagore. Caninus, like the other New Men, was given a humanoid form and intelligence.

When High Evolutionary was told by Zuras, of the Eternals, that the Celestials were coming to Earth to judge it, High Evolutionary feared his creations would be seen as a blemish and an affront to nature, so he began systematically killing all of his creations in anticipation of the Celestials arrival. Both Caninus and Felinatus managed to escape the brutal slaughter of their fellow New Men by hiding deep in the mountain.

When the New Warriors had driven High Evolutionary out, both Caninus and Felinatus revealed themselves to the New Warriors and befriended them. While it seemed that Caninus enjoyed Felinatus’ company (claiming, as any dog would, that they’re best friends), Felinatus seemed to always complain about his canine friend. However, the trust of Felinatus’ friendship came at a cost – when Felinatus sacrificed himself so that Caninus might live.

Height: 5’8″
Weight: 225 lbs.
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Brown

Powers: None; but as an evolved dog by High Evolutionary, he was given higher than normal intelligence, even for a human and was capable of operating Mount Wundagore effortlessly.