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The issue opens up at an abandoned police station in lower Manhattan as police officers have a room bugged and listen – unbeknownst to the officers, Cloak and Dagger are listening as well, as drug smugglers who plan to bring a shipment of drugs into the city and brought to a church, that will be the cover.
Cloak and Dagger suddenly emerge on the scene and chaos erupts. Dagger’s light dagger cut into one man and remove his addiction; and show him the true potential he had and wasted away. While suffering with that, Cloak pulls him into the shadows where he faces what he’s become, his future bleak and horrifying. One of the smugglers confesses about the shipment that’s coming, just to avoid being pulled back into the shadows of Cloak’s robes.
Just outside the all too familiar friendly neighborhood Spider-Man swings by and lands in an alleyway where he changes into his civilian clothes and becomes the photographer and scientist, Peter Parker. Peter walks over to a building called The Last Refuge, where he meets Monica Tong, his reporter, who introduces him to Ms. Mary Ellen Fullerton, who is the director of the Last Refuge. Mary asks that no photos be taken in order to respect the privacy of the runaways who have sought shelter there.
As Peter is shown around, he recognizes Father Francis and listens; and sees a man who introduces himself as Phil Carlisle (step father of Tandy Bowen, better known as Dagger), who goes on to explain his story, and how he feels odd – because he’s not her real father, only a step father, and that she made it difficult for him, because she never accepted him as a father figure, despite his best efforts and love. Peter Parker races off and changes into Spider-Man to seek our Dagger at the Holy Ghost Church. Spider-Man finds Cloak who is defensive about Spider-Man wanting to talk to Dagger, until she comes out and explains that there is no place for her with her family. Spider-Man tries to convince her how she can have a normal life, go to prom, and even pretends to dance with her – where she removes his mask and the two briefly kiss, before Cloak furiously yells at them. Dagger takes hold of Peter’s hand and they step into Cloak’s shadows; and Peter sees the city for it’s bleak, darkness; the evil that dwells in the souls of people; the vile acts they commit against other people. Stepping outside, Cloak and Dagger explain that’s why they must remain together; because that vermin exists, and they vanish.
Spider-Man takes to the streets, heading for the pier to stop the shipment that Cloak & Dagger are after; and on his way, sees pimps taking in lost runaways, drug addicts lying in the gutters and alleyways…
At the police station, Captain O’Reilly is preparing for the bust when Father Francis, and Tandy’s step father, Phil arrive asking for help recovering Tandy. Captain O’Reilly explains that Cloak and Dagger are after the same shipment the officers are. Father Francis and Phil decide to follow the police, after O’Reilly declines on taking them with her, due to the danger.
Spider-Man arrives first and sees armed men in a boat and attacks them; Cloak and Dagger arrive next and see the chaos, and Cloak notes that Spider-Man may have ruined everything, because the boat he was fighting on was the boat that was supposed to go out and meet the smugglers bringing in the shipment. Cloak and Dagger join the fight and the boat attempts to make a get away. Dagger throws a light knife as one of the men fires his gun; and strikes him, so that he flinches and fires on the fuel tank causing a massive explosion so that only one man survives the boat ride. O’Rielly and the rest of the officers arrive, and Cloak and Dagger teleport away, while Spider-Man escapes with his traditional webbing.