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The issue begins with a ferry in India traveling to Lashi, the City of Light, and among the passengers are Cloak & Dagger. The boat strikes something and capsizes. Cloak pulls Dagger into his shadows; but through there, she watches as hundreds struggle to swim and stay alive. Dagger demands that there must be something they can do; but Cloak tells her the victims number in the hundreds and if he tried to save them, she would drown or they would have their light fed off of in the shadows of his cloak.
Suddenly beams of light appear above the drowning victims; and their light is freed from their bodies. Cloak seems horrified by the event, but Dagger explains that their light was set free so that they could die peacefully and ascend; and that whatever it was – the source of the light itself was somehow alive. Cloak and Dagger teleport to the nearby shore where attempts to recover the drowned victims has already begun. Dagger takes note that several men dressed in robes with a disc symbol seem to stare at Cloak & Dagger with an unusual amount of interest. Dagger steps inside of Cloak’s shadows and finds the same living light waiting for her there – she follows it and it leads them inside a temple where they find worshipers of the light. The worshipers, Cloak thinks, are different than Dagger – the light they emit is light fed from the dead and dying. Unseen by Cloak, a hand touches him, and sends him falling outside of his living shadow, and he begins to stutter as the Lord of Light explains he’s freed Cloak from his darkness; but the voice from the Lord of Light has a familiar sound – it’s her father!