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The issue begins with a woman lanced to the wall – over forty stories up in the air. (Note: In this issue, Brigid gets her patch over her eye again, which was mysteriously missing last issue). Cloak and Dagger appear and Cloak explains he can get the body down; and begins to levitate, which leaves Rusty asking since when could he levitate?
As soon as Cloak’s robes touch the dead woman, he’s overcome with immense pain; and while he does pull the dead woman’s body into his cloak, he loses focus and can’t levitate and just before impacting with the concrete, teleports and lads back in the same room that Mr. Jip had used and comes to realize that it wasn’t the woman’s body that caused him the pain, but the unusual lance which was used as a murder weapon.
Elsewhere in New Jersey, Enrich Renning, who had invited Tandy to the Ballistyx club that night, several nights ago – had checked himself into this hotel three days ago and had been on a non stop drinking binge, when suddenly a hand rests on his shoulder and a voice tells him to stop. He turns and sees a glowing bald man with the symbol on his forehead and calls him Thule. Thule demands that Enrich bring Dagger to him.
Speaking of Dagger, she’s with Brigid and Rebecca, trying to figure out where Enrich disappeared to so they can figure out what’s going. Cloak comes off coldly saying he doesn’t care about the public relations; his concern is the safety of the runaways that are appearing murdered, lanced to walls. He coldly bids the detectives farewell as he envelops Dagger and teleports away.
Cloak and Dagger teleport and when they do, Cloak suddenly buckles over and unleashes blobs of shadowy darkness from inside. He begs Dagger to go find Enrich and tell Brigid and Rebecca he’s sorry for how he acted. Dagger returns to the diner where Enrich first followed her from and finds several of his followers who give her his address. She goes there and meets Enrich. She agrees to go with him, but is trailed by Cloak. Cloak attacks some of the guards and when Enrich, escorting Tandy, and several others come across the guards, Enrich explains, “They will ride the lance for their weakness.”