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The issue begins with Nova floating in space, seemingly dead after space jumping in front of the Chitauri armada located by Jupiter. One of the Chitauri commanders shouts that he doesn’t care what happens to the body, but he wants the helmet intact. As a small squadron of Chitauri approach Nova, he blasts through the small squadron and tells Gamora and Rocket Raccoon that he’s going to take on the mothership as well. However, once aboard, Nova is blasted by an all too familiar figure – none other than Titus, who claims that Sam’s father betrayed the Black Novas and was a coward. Titus explains that the story Sam’s father told him about leaving the ship to get help and see his family – to see Sam born – was all a lie. That what truly happened, was that Sam’s father left, just as the Rigellian were about to board the ship, to see his family, with no intention of ever getting help. As it turns out, it was not the Rigellian who had attacked their ship – rather it was the Chitauri. Titus had tried to fight them off, but one shot him in the eye and Titus was forced to make a deal – his life, for the Rigeelian’s Recorder that they had taken. Titus explains that through the Recorder they were able to create The Ultimate Nullifier. Titus then explains that the Chitauri helped rebuild his body, equipping his hand with a gun, capable of blasting through the Nova force – just as he had done to Sam’s father, less than a week ago.
Nova blasts Titus, and manages to zip around and snag the Ultimate Nullifier and leave the ship. Nova space jumps back to Earth and desperately seeks Gamora and Rocket Raccoon but neither respond to him. He goes inside and speaks with his mother, who asks if Sam fell asleep in the garage again, and when he says yes, his mother replies, “Your father always used to say that too.” Outside, Sam sees a light and rushes to the garage, thinking it’s Gamora and Rocket Raccoon – only to find that it’s Titus, holding Sam’s Nova helmet.