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Return to issue listing of Cloak & Dagger – Volume 3.

Note: This issue is a part of the Inferno cross over; an Epilogue event.
The issue begins with a demon from Belaco’s limbo, by the name of Crotus who had stolen Belasco’s book of spells and used it to teleport himself, and several other demons away, just as the Inferno came to an end. Crotus intends to reopen the portal to Limbo and unleash the demons so that they serve him, since N’astrh who originally tried this and created the Inferno, perished. Crotus notes for his spell to succeed, it requires the sacrifice of two mutants (which is oddly specific, that it has to be mutants) whose souls are locked in black despair; and willing to give their lives up on their own. He locates the idea of selecting Cloak & Dagger. (Note: Originally, Cloak & Dagger were not mutants; they were regular humans, whose drugs gave them their powers. It was later changed that the event of the drug injection triggered their mutant powers. However, even later – after the events of this volume of Cloak & Dagger, it’s finally revealed in a Cloak & Dagger one shot that there is no trace of the X-Gene in either Cloak or Dagger and that it is true, that in fact, their powers were generated by the drugs they were injected with and there were not mutant powers involved – but for the sake of the argument, at the time of this issue, Cloak and Dagger were thought to be mutants).
We cut over to Dagger, where what appears to be Cloak appears in Dagger’s apartment and tells her to come to him.
The real Cloak remains in a bubble, orbiting Earth, thinking how he will never get to see Dagger, Rusty, or his family ever again, when suddenly two demon appear and are excited to find him.
Back on Earth, Tandy’s uncle, Father Mike tells Dennis, the physical therapist he had hired for Tandy’s blindness that he feels like he’s failed his niece.
Speaking of Tandy, she is in the apartment, telling Cloak how happy she is to see him, because she hated that they argued and that he was gone for so long. But it’s not actually Cloak she’s speaking to – but a demon impersonating him. The Demon tells Tandy at one time he had wanted her and loved her, but now he has no use for a blind girl. He goes on to tell her that when he did love her, it was just all a trick to manipulate her and keep her at his side. She grabs him and feels the face of the demon, and he simply says, that this is his true form that stands before her.
Back over to Cloak, the demons take on the form of Ty’s parents, who explain that if Ty had stayed perhaps things would have turned out differently – but because he didn’t, Otis turned out to be a drug pusher, and got his sister hooked on drugs, and she died of an overdose; and Ty couldn’t even be bothered to show up to her funeral.
Back to Dagger, she realizes it’s a demon and tries to fight it; but becomes disoriented because of her blindness. The demon taunts her, but she concentrates on his voice and blasts it with several of her light daggers. But it doesn’t keep the demon down for long. Tandy tries to reach the phone; but the demon taunts her explaining he has a spell over the apartment that prevents modern technology from working. She tells the demon to come for her and that she’s tired of fight; but then she blasts it. She then gets to the phone and calls her uncle Mike and explains she wants to do physical therapy.
Back over to Cloak, he’s surrounded by his family members, who tell him to give up on life, and be free of his suffering and his guilt. He tells what he believes to be Dagger and Rebecca “Rusty” Nales that he will agree to end his life; he just wants to touch their face one last time before he leaves the world. When the enter the bubble he immediately pulls them into his cloak, realizing he had been tempted by demons. The effort is too much, as he’s run out of air, and falls over, unconscious within the bubble.
Back on Earth, the New Mutants, consisting of Warlock, Boomer, Gosamyr, Mirage and Sunspot are patrolling the city trying to track down Crotus and his crew of demons. They track it to Tandy’s apartment and she explains that she destroyed him (and explains how she became blind). She explains that the other demons may have Cloak, and if they can follow the light daggers that she throws; they’re able to specifically track Cloak’s location. She changes into her Dagger costume and throws her light daggers and follow it to the atmosphere where inside the bubble, the only thing that remains is Cloak’s… cloak.