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Real Name: Nathan “Nat” Cooper
Aliases: The Entity
Identity: Secret Identity
Occupation: Unknown
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen with no known criminal record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Clara Cooper (Ex-Wife), Roger “Caps” Cooper (Nephew)
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: Nova (Volume 1) #6
History: Nathan Cooper had been on a camping trip with his nephew, Roger Cooper when the two of them spotted an unusual light emanating from a cavern. Nathan had gotten close to examine it and Roger, in his haste to also take a look, bumped into his uncle and threw off Nathan’s balance, so that Nathan fell into the dark lake. Upon contact, Nathan’s entire flesh erupted into fire and as he screamed for help, his nephew fled to get help – afraid that touching the water would bestow the same fate to him. However, when he returned with help, Nathan was nowhere to be found and his death was ruled accidental.
The truth was far more bizarre; Nathan had been “saved” by an alien claiming the name “The Protector” – one million years in the future, where this being – which resembled the structure of a molecule proclaimed to be the last remnant of Earth. When it saved Nathan, it had no prior knowledge of what “humans” looked like – so when Nathan was restored, he was done so without any facial features; though he was still able to hear, smell, see, and talk.
He eventually escaped and returned to his time where he captured his nephew and tied him up where the water was rising and left him to die, as his nephew had left him to die. Nova would come along and save Roger Cooper. Apparently, Nathan – now calling himself Megaman – had felt guilty and returned a short while later, and discovered that Roger was gone. Megaman and Nova eventually came to blows; but the resulting fight caused Nova’s home to catch fire, which allowed Megaman to escape.
Megaman confronted Roger and explained he’d originally blamed Roger, but saw he was wrong in doing so and that it’d all been an accident. He asked Roger to tell his wife Clara what had happened. Roger did as he’d been asked, but Clara did not believe him and revealed that she’d moved on, believing that Nathan had died. This infuriated Megaman who then attacked Clara’s boyfriend, a man named Allen, which once again drew the attention of Nova. The Protector appeared again, and abducted him back into the future.
At some point, Megaman returned yet again to the proper timeline and was seen as a prisoner in the Stranger’s Lab, where he and several others managed to break free during an attack by the Overmind; however, Doctor Spectrum (of the Squadron Supreme) who had been carrying them, regained control of his mind when Overmind focused all of his power on the Stranger – and Doctor Spectrum left all of the ones he’d been carrying and fled.
Megaman’s fate since then, remains a mystery.
Height: 5’9″
Weight: 220 lbs
Eyes: Brown (as Nathan), None (as Megaman)
Hair: Brown (as Nathan), None (as Megaman)
Skin: His face has no features (no eyes, mouth, ears)
Powers: Megaman possesses superhuman strength and durability; as well as the ability to generate forces of from his hands which include wind and fire, and cause earthquakes around him.