New Warriors #13

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A World for the Winning.

His name is Nova. He had everything the world could give him.

He betrayed the team that gave him the fame, he turned on everything he believed for the sake of the Truth. Once sworn enemies, he finds himself fight along side the Mutant Liberation Force against Lady Sphinx.

As if that weren’t bad enough… the Mutant Liberation Force was losing… and losing badly.

Vance used his telekentic ability to make a wave of stone that had toppled her over, but in the process found himself buried alive under the very stones he had tried to use to stop Lady Sphinx. Everyone poured every ounce of their strength into defeating her…

Nova had flown to the side to help Firestar uncover Marvel Man from the stones… and as he did, Sayge appeared. “The only way to make Sphinx relinquish her hold on this world is to show her the truth of the lie she has created… only the truth can set you free.”

Midtown Maqaman at the Chrysler Building…

He walks with pride… he is confident of the plan he’s laid out before him and realizes this is the time to strike… the time for revenger for what they had done… Once getting clearance, this young man entered the elevator as Dwayne Taylor… when the elevator doors opened, he came out as Night Thrasher! What he sees televised on the screens once he defeats the guards shatters him… the real world, he realizes, is falling apart faster than his own personal life had. A cat’s hissing snapped Night Thrasher out of his daze… and when he turned and saw the cat… he suddenly remembered… the Lady Sphinx had granted the cat immortality.. a way of keeping something of the original Sphinx… it was her last link to happiness. Without another moment’s hesitation, Night Thrasher chased after the cat…

In the middle of battle, Lady Sphinx suddenly sensed someone within her home… that moment of distraction allowed everyone to get the upper hand on her, and begin beating her down… until she teleported to safety! However, the MLF’s rejoicing was all too brief as Horas laid Juggernaught out by striking him from the back. The Avengers were back and madder than ever.

Sayge informs Marvel Man, Firestar and Nova that they must go to the Chrysler Building… and that is where Sphinx will be defeated… meanwhile, within the Chrysler Building… Night Thrasher finds himself under attack by an energy projection of Lady Sphinx… Pulling Night Thrasher out of the way just before a fatal blast finds its mark, Marvel Man and Firestar move in and begin blasting the energy projection of Lady Sphinx…

When Nova asks what had angered her, Night Thrasher informs her that he had gone after the cat… and that’s when she appeared. Nova quickly releases Night Thrasher and grabs the cat, and lands in front of the energy projection of Lady Sphinx. Demanding that she turn solid or he will snap the cat’s neck, Lady Sphinx quickly listens. At that moment, Sayge drifts into the room… sensing something strange, she begins cringing and asking who or what he is…

Sayge pulls back his hood and reveals the truth to her… a truth she can not handle… a truth that drives her to the brink of insanity… a truth that destroys the Chrysler Building… when all the smoke clears… she realizes what she’s done… she begs and pleads with Nova to have the cat… handing it to her… she returns the world as it should be… swearing one day that she will have her revenge… One day.