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The issue begins with Diangelo using the robotic constructs to capture all of Power Pack. Cloak & Dagger try to continue to put up a fight, but he threatens to kill the kids if they don’t stop. He goes on to explain he plans to use the robots to begin robbing drug gang competitors of their loads, until they all break beneath him. A failed attempt to allow Julie to escape results in Dagger being captured. Diangelo then threatens Cloak that he will also kill Dagger if Cloak does not obey him.
Diangelo leaves Power Pack, along with a Dagger still imprisoned in Dragon Man’s grasp. The kids try to escape, but being controlled by Diangelo prevents them from doing anything that won’t endanger Dagger. Using spare parts, Professor Gilbert creates a device that will short circuit the signal being received by the sonic controller. With that, they’re able to escape and arrive at the scene where Cloak is forced to fight with the robots for Diangelo against an opposing gang. Jack uses his power to shrink and strike Diangelo, who falls from the ledge, to what appears to be his death – but he’s critically wounded. Jack is immediately remorseful, despite how vile Diangelo is. Katie and the others plead with Dagger to use her light powers to save Diangelo. Dagger is resistant at first, but finally agrees and uses her powers to heal Diangelo’s critical wounds. Cloak and Dagger, through the eyes of innocent children, see that their path of vengeance is not the right one. Professor Gilbert takes control of the other robots and restores order. Cloak & Dagger teleport the Power Pack kids back to their roof, where they formally introduce one another with their real names.