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Real Name: Douglas M. Carmody
Aliases: Boogeyman, The Boogey Man, The Bogey Man
Identity: Publicly known, however his demonic transformation is unknown to the general public
Occupation: Former business man (Carmody Research), Demon
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen with a criminal record
Place of Birth: Washington, DC
Known Relatives: None Known
Group Affiliation: The Right
First Appearance: Power Pack #2
History: Douglas Carmody owned Carmody Research, and one of his employees, Dr. James Power, was on the verge of creating a matter/anti-matter converter. The power of the device drew the attention of an alien race known as the Kymellian, who had destroyed a similar device on their world, fearful their enemies – an alien race known as the Snarks would get a hold of it and use its destructive powers against them – and the universe. A Kymellian named Whitey empowered Dr. James Power’s children (Alex, Julie, Jack, and Katie) so that they could rescue their parents from the evil Snarks who had abducted them. The children called themselves “Power Pack” and were told of the device’s threat to the universe, so they helped capture the device. Despite their costumes, Douglas easily recognized the children as belonging to James Power, and swore the capture them and force them to pay for what they’d done.

Carmody’s financial backers pulled out of the project, forcing it to collapse. Carmody called in a favor and Project: PEGASUS and acquired a suit that granted him powers. Adopting the name “The Bogey Man” he used it to capture Katie Power. Katie was however, rescued by her siblings and fellow members of Power Pack. His next attempt on the Power Pack children would be halted by the Warriors Three from Asgard.

Convinced the Power Pack children were mutants, despite multiple reports that they were not, Carmody turned to the anti-mutant organization known as “The Right” and pleaded his case with them to borrow a power suit so that he could, once and for all, be rid of the “mutant” children known as Power Pack. The Right agreed to the arrangement and provided him with the most powerful power-suit he’d had yet. He was told there was another he must take care of first – a young mutant girl named Rebecca Littlehale, who was capable of various forms of teleportation. He agreed and captured her, which led to immediately coming in contact with not only Power Pack, but an actual team of mutants known as the New Mutants. Together the New Mutants and Power Pack were able to rescue Rebecca Littlehale. As punishment for his crimes, Illyana, of the New Mutants, banished Carmody into “Limbo” (Belasco’s Realm where Illyana had grown up a cruel life).

It was there that Carmody would be “reborn” – however, it would be in the form of an actual demon, as the demon in Limbo named N’astirh, who devoured what little humanity remained of Carmody and transformed him into an actual demon. In the demon form, Carmody returned to Earth to terrorize the Pack family, yet again; and during a battle on the Empire State Building, Carmody came face to face with his own reflection and saw what he’d become and could not live with it and threw himself from the Empire State Building, where his liquified body seemed to be destroyed.

However, this would not be the end of Carmody’s villainy. He had survived the fall, and as a shadow took possession of a ring, that came into the possession of a Chicago Councilman by the name of Randolph Creed. Under the dark influence of Carmody, the Councilman was driven to slay several homeless people over the next few weeks, which garnered the attention of the hero, Luke Cage.

Carmody was then able to possess Luke Cage, who then, under Carmody’s influence came to battle Fantastic Four’s, The Thing and the Human Torch. Realizing in his shadowed form, Carmody was susceptible to flames; Luke Cage walked into one of Human Torch’s “flame explosions” which drove Carmody out and seemingly destroyed him.

Evil, such as his, however, never seems to truly die.

Height: 5’7″ (human), Variable (in demon and shadow form)
Weight: 190 lbs (human), Variable (in demon and shadow form)
Eyes: Brown (human), Yellow (Demon), Red (Shadow)
Hair: Grey (human), Black (in demon and shadow form)

Powers: As a human, Carmody possessed no super human powers. He used technology briefly to gain some semblance of powers. As a demon, Carmody’s body possessed superhuman strength (lifting up to 1 ton), had razor sharp claws, and his body could grow and extend to unknown limits. His body also possessed the ability to form into a liquid which allowed him to squeeze throw narrow cracks. In his shadow form he was able to possess people and objects, as well as form shadowy tendrils. In this form he was susceptible to flame.

Weapons: Carmody has resources through his own finances, to have several powered suits. He had a primitive suit that allowed him some special powers, such as increased strength. Through Project: PEGASUS he was able to get an upgraded suit that allowed him to have flight. Then through the anti-mutant organization known as Right, Carmody got another suit that allowed for tracking mutants, flight, and blasters, with limited super human strength. He often also carried a tranquilizer and “power canceling containers” to hold those whom he’d captured and nullify their powers.