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Real Name: Thomas Ewing
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret Identity
Occupation: Arsonist, Criminal
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen with a criminal record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: Nova (Volume 1) #10
History: Thomas Ewing was a career arsonist who had developed a costume that allowed him to continue his heated career. However, he would eventually cross paths with Nova after Firefly set fire to a nuclear station in Westhaven. The two fought and while Firefly tried to stop Nova, he found that he was immune to most of the flame attacks. Nova eventually grew tired of the destruction and threw Firefly into a nearby lake, where the contact with the water shorted the circuitry in Firefly’s armor, allowing Nova to easily capture him and bring him into custody.
Thomas would, yet again, done the Firefly armor later, and continue his career as an arsonist as he tried to burn down a building; this time bringing him into conflict with Power Man (Luke Cage) and Iron Fist, who fought Firefly until the second Crimebuster came along and covered Firefly in fire-extinguishing foam, allowing him to quickly take Firefly into custody, yet again.
Height: 5’8″
Weight: 210 lbs
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Unknown
Powers: None. Firefly gains his abilities from his costume which has calorific circuits that allow him to hurl flames, which also provided him protection from heat/fire, and granted him the ability of limited flight.