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This issue opens with the Snarks having captured the Power Pack children, who are forced to show the Snarks where Jakal is; hibernating in ship in the arctic. The Power Pack kids try to change into their costumes; but the shackles that the Snarks have them in prevent dimensional transfer fields, which would have permitted them to switch into their costumes on command.
Back on Earth, the James Power (the father of the Power Pack children) returns home, wondering where his kids are, as they were supposed to all go to the hospital to visit their mother (his wife), Margaret, who was still recovering from a brain injury she suffered while Kurse had been rampaging through the city. Allison, Alex’s would-be girlfriend calls, to check on Alex, and James and she talk briefly and realize that Alex and the others never reached their destination.
The scene goes back to the Power Pack kids, now imprisoned in large crystals; which allows them to switch into their Power Pack costume; but none of their powers seem to have any effect on the crystals. The Power Pack children witness the Snarks who thaw out Jakal, who awakens in pain and fury of having been burned by Katie. Jakal immediately lashes out at Katie, and tries to kill her, but her crystal prison keeps her safe. In his fury, Jakal proclaims that his mother, the Queen, had sent him to Earth in hopes he would be killed; and claims that she is also the one who is trying to kill the Emperor. The other Snarks refuse to believe it, and think that the hibernation and wounds have tampered with the logic in his mind.
Back at Earth, James Power has filled a police report, and gone out to look for his kids, who he suspects now may have been kidnapped or worse. Franklin sees this through his special dreams and goes down to speak with his parents, who are engaged in a conversation, so he turns around and leaves.
Back on the Snark planet, Jakal confronts his mother about not visiting him while he was dying; and she tells him that she plans to steal the powers from the Power Pack children with a machine that emulates the ability to transfer Kymellian powers. They bring over Yrik, Kofi’s father (who is also imprisoned in the crystals) and he shouts for them to destroy the machine. Alex tells Katie to switch back to her normal clothes, absorb them, then switch back to her costume to try and blast the crystal. Jakal sees her and freaks out and shoots her, which shatters the crystal. She then absorbs the laser shot at her and uses her power to blast all the Power Pack children and Kofi free. An all out fight begins between the Power Pack team and the Snarks, but the kids don’t fare well, and Katie is holding back because she had been accused of being a monster; but when she sees all of her siblings fall, her power escalates and Jakal grabs her by the foot, only to have it incinerated when Katie lets loose, creating a hole in the ground where she plunges into the underwater lake below. Hadj, the Snark gets Yrik’s healing powers through the transfer and heals Jakal, while down below unknown creatures find Katie unconscious.