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The issue begins with Katie Power watching a show that talks about getting the new Goo-Gam Gang creator, Jessie Wilcox Jones, autographing their new book at the Gacy’s Department store. Katie’s father gives Alex money for the subway and lunch and enough to purchase the book by Jessie Wilcox for Katie. Alex agrees and asks his father to say hello to their mother who is still in the hospital, after recovering from the head injury she received due to Kurse ravaging the city.
The kids take to using their powers, where they encounter Spider-Man along the way and assist him after he’s run out of web fluid. The kids then make their way to the store, where Jack is stand offish about how excited Katie is; until Julie reminds him that he used to be excited about a series called Cody Davis: Space Explorer, which was written by the same author. Katie goes on to describe that the story of Goo and Gam were because they were different – one liked Jam, one liked Peanut butter – and they refused to acknowledge one another – until two young Goos and Gams combined it and realized they liked it – so everyone else accepted it and liked it too.
Katie gets the book autographed, but realizes too late, she had forgot to ask for it to be signed “To Katie -” so Alex and Julie try to go back and find Jessie Wilcox Jones, with Katie’s book, leaving Jack to take care of Katie. While outside, Jack sees a limo pull by with the Goo-Gam sticker on the side and drags Katie to go check it out – and watches as a man forces her into the limo at gun point. They quickly change into their costumes and sneak into the trunk while it’s at a red light.
The gunned men (two of them) tell Jessie Wilcox that they’re interested in the money she has; meanwhile Katie and Jack sneak into the house and don on costumes of Goo and Gam and go to the living room where the armed men shoot at them. They separate and the one chasing Jack catches up and unloads his gun just as Jack turns to his cloud form. Katie meanwhile disintegrates a stair that the man following her steps on so he collapses. Katie uses her energy ball to strike one of the men; the other gets the drop on her, but Jack changes his size to a miniature size, and strikes the man in the head. Jessie Wilcox Jones comes up and thanks Jack and Katie and corrects her signature in Katie’s book, signing it as “To my Good friend, Katie. An honorary Goo and an Official Gam too!” She then asks if there’s anything she can do for the kids; and Jack asks her why she stopped writing Cody Davis: Space Explorer. She explains that she enjoyed writing Cody Davis books, but when she wrote Goo-Gams, it took off in popularity and no one else wanted to read any of her other works. She has the limo take the Power Kids home, and there, the Limo driver gives Jack a gift from Jessie Wilcox Jones, which happens to be the last Cody Davis book she wrote but could never sell. Jack is overcome with excitement and rushes into the apartment to read it.
Elsewhere on the planet with the Snarks… several of them gather around a device built to siphon the powers from Kymellians and transfer the power into Jakal – who, at this current time – his whereabouts are unknown…