Power Pack: Into the Storm #3

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The issue opens up with the reveal that Princess Djinna’s ship was not blown up – just the alien, and that the Brood Queen, B’rute, had protected the ship to give it to Mayhem as part of their bargain. Pulling the ship inside, Queen B’rute finds Franklin and sees he seems catatonic and too small and throws him to Mayhem to have. Mayhem demands to have Kofi too, when captured, but the Brood Queen says that his ability to teleport is too valuable to the Brood.

Mayhem senses power in Franklin, but keeps calm about it, wrapping him up in a substance known as Neurofiber. Franklin decides to reach out through Friday again – where he informs Ororo Monroe, Storm, of the X-Men of the current situation – about how the Brood have captured him and have plans to turn Power Pack into Brood. Storm explains that she was not able to get a hold of Kitty and Wolverine, who had helped against the Brood previously – and that if Power Pack is on a storm tossed world, that she herself – Storm – would be more than happy to help save Power Pack and fight the evil Brood again.

On that planet, next to the Brood ship, Power Pack and Kofi, along with Princess Djinna, see her ship – unguarded. They enter the Brood ship and rush to Djinna’s vessel in hopes of grabbing Franklin and escaping – only to discover he’s not there! He’s actually in the clutches of Mayhem who is running tests on him and discovering his contains potentially endless energy and powers! Meanwhile, Queen B’rute and her flock of Brood appear around Power Pack, Kofi and Princess Djinna. As the fight breaks out, Julie warns that the Brood have scramblers which will cause their target’s body to freeze up if they make contact – and they manage to hit Princess Djinna with it, but Kofi comes to her rescue – but not before she is rendered unconscious. The fight barely lasts much longer, before the Queen Brood, B’rute, commands that the neural net be dropped on top of Power Pack – which paralyzes them, but leaves them conscious.

At that moment, Friday, along with Storm, arrive; and Franklin’s dream-self warns Storm that the Brood Queen has captured Power Pack and Kofi. Inside the ship, Mayhem drags Princess Djinna onto the ship that had been gifted to the princess; she seems to debate helping Power Pack get free, but decides against it.

Outside of Friday, Storm summons up a massive lightning strike that rocks the Brood ship and slides the neural net off of Power Pack – quickly grabbing Kofi, Power Pack escapes into space just as Mayhem takes off in Djinna’s ship with her and Franklin still in it! Kofi learns that Djinna and Franklin are still aboard Mayhem’s ship – and attempts to teleport there to rescue them, but the distance is too far – and he loses consciousness with Mayhem all too happy to now have captured Kofi as well.