New Warriors #5

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The Man Who Stole Tomorrow.

It was to be a proud moment. The products of six countries are represented by the rocket’s cargo hold. They watched as the rocket took off into the air, all going well – all readings showed this would be a successful flight.

If it had not been for the man they called, Star Thief.

They watched in horror, as the rocket suddenly exploded in the sky, sending vibrations from the explosion, across the land. From the midst of the burning inferno that was once, a rocket set out to take mankind on step further in tomorrow’s world, the man named Star Thief stole that chance away.

After destroying the launch pad as well, Star Thief warned all who witnessed; that they shall cease their exploration of space, or like the rocket they witnessed – they too, would be destroyed.

Meanwhile, at the New Warriors headquarters, we see Chord and Dwayne Taylor (better known as Night Thrasher), reviewing the tapes of all the Warriors during a work out. In walks Vance (better known as Marvel Boy, at the time), with a tape recording of what Star Thief had done. Although, Dwayne pointed out, New Warriors aimed for more low key criminals, and more street type criminals, Vance was adamant about taking Star Thief down…

However, at that same time, Namorita was just finishing a class, when her teacher, Ms. Truesdale, asked to speak with her. She informed Namorita that her husband worked for Stane International, and that he had learned that they had planned on dumping hazardous waste chemicals into space, and that he felt it was wrong… Namorita swore that she, and the rest of the New Warriors would help her…

The next scene goes to Robbie, better known as Speedball… after being dropped off, and listening to his parents argue once again, Robbie ditches his father by telling him that he has to go to the city again… He unfortunately misses the train that would have taken him to the city… Thinking for a moment, he suddenly heard the bullet train… and with a warning of, “Kids! Don’t do this at home!” Robbie jumped in front of the bullet train, and transformed into Speedball, well on his way now due to kinetic energy…

Sometime later, at the Ambrose Building Penthouse, the Warrior meeting begins without Namorita and Speedball… As Vance begins talking about Star Thief, you see Speedball fly by, and as the meeting continues, you see him fly by the other way, and finally, just as Vance says that he once Star Thief stopped, Speedball bursts through a window, completely out of control…

Vance goes on to explain, that Star Thief must be stopped, and the rocket must be secured and ensured to go on without problems… However, at that moment, Namorita walks in, saying that the Warriors must ensure that the rocket never leaves the ground…

It took three days for the Taylor Foundation to falsify the necessary papers for the New Warriors to be flown to the Babyun Islands in the Philippines. It was there they searched for the next rocket site, and found it shortly after being there.

They agreed to make sure the rocket was not full of hazardous chemical waste, before destroying the plant. However, they were not given the chance to investigate much further, as Star Thief suddenly burst onto the scene.

Splitting the team up, Night Thrasher and Speedball headed for the rocket, while Namorita, Firestar, Nova, and Marvel Boy moved to stop – or at least, slow down – Star Thief so the rocket could be checked out…

Marvel Boy hits him with a psychokinetic burst, while Nova delivers an astonishing left hook… neither of which, unfortunately, affect Star Thief in the least. Blasting both Marvel Boy and Nova away, Star Thief turns his attention back to the rocket, only to find himself hit, and hurt by a solid punch by Namorita.

Nova returns to the fight, complaining of how the blast hurt, while Vance is caught by a bouncing Speedball. When they land back on the ground, with Night Thrasher close by – the bay doors open, and from behind come Mandroids!

In the sky, Firestar’s blasts suddenly had Star Thief on the run… quickly realizing he could be in trouble, he headed for the inside of the rocket! However, seeing what was going on down below, Nova quickly flew down to lend a hand…

A man by the name of Robert Hanklin gave the signal to fly the rocket and get it out of there, before the New Warriors could expose what was going on…

However, Namorita, Marvel Boy and Firestar followed Star Thief onto the rocket… and found themselves surprised as the door suddenly slammed shut behind them… and then the rocket rumbled… and within the next few seconds, it was on its way to space, with four passengers, still on board, a doomed flight…