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The issue begins with several alien Snarks chasing a Kymellian by the name of Lord Kofi. Lord Kofi, while being pursued by the Snarks explains he’s not entirely sure how he teleported in the Snark’s Queen Mother Maraud’s Council Chamber, but that he’s learned what he needs to know, and knows what he needs to do.
The Snarks, while giving pursuit reveal that High Snark, Jakal has been sent to Earth to rob the Earthlings (Power children) of their powers. Kofi manages to escape on his own Smart Ship – a ship named Datta. However, Kofi’s ship is damaged when Jakal appears and critically damages Datta, forcing the Smart Ship to commonsense with a crash landing.
The scene shifts with Jarvis, the Butler of Avengers Mansion, dressing Franklin Richards (son of Reed & Sue Richards, of the Fantastic Four). Franklin explains about his dream about a boy, in a very smart ship, being chased, and crashing in the ocean near the Statue of Liberty, but Jarvis brushes it off as nothing more than a dream. Franklin puts on his “Fantastic Four” shirt (so that it reads 4 1/2)
Jarvis takes Franklin to go play in the park, where coincidentally, the Power children are – rollerskating and having a good time, and Franklin realizes that they were also a part of his dream – and that it means his dreams must be real. While Jarvis is distracted, he approaches them and tells them that he’s had a dream of a Kymellian that’s crashed nearby. Katie, finally not the youngest doesn’t believe Franklin and calls him a “dumb baby.” But Franklin leads them to where the Kymellian is – and they’re surprised to indeed, find a wounded Kymellian. However, as soon as the Kymellian named Lord Kofi is found, Jakal lunges in and attacks. Power Pack, along with Franklin and Lord Kofi, are forced to retreat and hide from Jakal, who continues to hunt them down. They manage to get to the Power’s home where they hide; and Katie has a difficult time believing Franklin; even when they discover he’s none other than Franklin Richards. Treating Franklin poorly, he finally confesses that he had not wanted to say anything – but in his dream – he saw all of them getting caught – and it was none other than Katie’s fault.
Sure enough, a little while later, Katie believes she’s spotted their Smart Ship Friday, and tries to hail it – Franklin tries to stop her, but it’s already too late – it’s none other than Jakal, who tries to use a gravity pulse to pull them all into his ship!