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Return to issue listing of Cloak & Dagger – Volume 3.

Note: The events of this issue pick up directly from Strange Tales (V2) #18.
The issue begins with Dagger, now projecting shadow blades, attacking Jean Grey, Beast and Iceman of X-Factor.
In Ohio, Cloak remains stuck within the summoning circle, that a young boy named Lamar had summoned him into. Cloak attempts to explain, again how he needs to be set free so that he can help Dagger; but Lamar refuses to listen and leaves Cloak in the summoning circle as he goes to get breakfast.
The scene shifts to Mr. Jip who still ponders how it is that Cloak escaped his magical bonds; going over how he can only possess a body that is full of darkness and evil. While this was originally going to be Cloak, for whom he saw the ability to live eternally with no need to jump into other bodies after possessing Cloak’s – that plan had failed. But he had new plans now; and those plans seem to center around Dagger, who was now possessed by evil shadows and deeds, manipulated by Night, who was Mr. Jip’s lackey.
Elsewhere, the former Father Delgado who had gone insane attempting to save Dagger (see the Marvel Graphic Novel #34 – Cloak & Dagger: Predator and Prey for more details) was now finally being released from the insane asylum having recovered his sanity and convincing the orderlies that he was now sane… but Francis Delgado had lost his faith, but found something new instead – and proclaimed Mr. Jip as his master – but never to anyone – he simply stated that he no longer needed religion and wanted to live a normal man’s life… but in truth, he was obsessed with the idea of killing “the foul temptress” who happened to be none other than Dagger.
Speaking of Dagger, she (or perhaps Night, it’s unclear) – calls upon every day citizens who have evil in their souls to surround X-Factor, who do not want to fight normal people, for fear of hurting them (and how it would look to the news as well).
The scene changes, and we see Brigit O’Reilly’s former partner, Rebecca “Rusty” Nales, looking for Cloak & Dagger at the Holy Ghost Church. (She is unaware when Brigit “died” the chemicals that killed her turned her into the vigilante known as Mayhem; she’s still trying to figure out why if Brigit died, an empty casket was used). When she arrives at the Holy Ghost Church, she’s greeted by Father Michael Bowen, Tandy’s (Dagger) uncle, who uses the Holy Ghost Church as an outreach center.
Speaking of Mayhem, the scene cuts to her and she’s thinking, how as an Officer she could not stand the vigilante methods Cloak & Dagger applied, operating outside of the law. Then, as fate would have it, as Officer Brigit O’Reilly, several corrupt officers set up a trap and killed her in a gas chamber. However, that gas chamber not only killed her, but resurrected her as Mayhem, and then to extract her revenge, she applied the same vigilante methods of Cloak and Dagger; but often times to lethal ends, having killed the ring leader of corrupt officers, Falcone. With her revenge done, she wants only one thing left – to live again. Her thoughts are interrupted by an unseen stranger.
Back over to Cloak, Lamar’s father catches Lamar down in the basement and explains to Cloak that he’s not just Lamar’s father – but that he was once a super villain named Mr. Rasputin, and he had studied the black arts of magic, in hopes of ruling the world. That notion brought him in conflict with Stephen Strange who easily bested him in the arts of magic. He explains he legally changed his name to Plotnick, so that his son, Lamar, and daughter, Lavinia, would not have to worry about dealing with the shame he brought his true name. He casts a spell to free Cloak from the binding and then teleports Cloak to Dagger’s side.
Cloak pulls Dagger into the shadows of his cowl where she is confronted by the demon inside of him known as the Predator. She tries to hit it with her shadow daggers; but they do nothing but feed it. Inside she screams, and Cloak releases her and Dagger appears, wearing her normal costume once again; but there’s a price to restoring Dagger’s light – she discovers that she’s physically blind!
The final scene changes to Mr. Jip who is disappointed when speaking to Night, that Dagger broke free of the shadow hold Night had on her; but is pleased that a phase of his plan did work out; that Dagger had lost her sight. Night then asks, as a part of the mutual bargain, if Mr. Jip would restore Day (her partner)’s health; and Mr. Jip explains that since Night failed, there was no need – and that Day died a few days ago anyway. He then introduces his newest pawn to the game, Francis Delgado.