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Real Name: Rieg Davan
Aliases: None
Identity: Not known to the general public
Occupation: Syfon Warrior; former criminal
Citizenship: Xandarian
Place of Birth: Xandar
Known Relatives: None Known
Group Affiliation: Champions of Xandar, Syfron Warriors, Condor’s Terrible Trio, Nova Corps
First Appearance: Nova (Volume 1) #2
History: Rieg Davan was one of most adept members of the Syfon Warriors, a division of the Nova Corps on the planet Xandar.
For unknown reasons, Rieg was flying in his ship, and was forced to make an emergency landing on Earth, where he awakened and had no memory of who he was or why he was on Earth. The villain Condor found and tricked Rieg into working with him by claiming that Rieg had been the sole survivor and a murderer and that he had no place to go.
This brought Powerhouse to ally himself with Condor and fight Richard Rider, better known as Nova.
Rieg eventually regained his memory and returned to Xandar, where he joined the Champion of Xandar and was critical in saving Adora, and driving back the Skrull invasion. His actions earned him a full pardon of his previous crimes.
Tragically, Rieg – along with most of the Xandarians – perished when Nebula laid the planet to waste.
Height: 6’3″
Weight: 265 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Powers: Powerhouse had super human strength as well as the ability to absorb energy by touching it, including that of living people which could increase his strength significantly.
Note: The Syfon Warriors in the Nova Corps were one rank below the highest Nova Prime.