New Warriors #7

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The Heart of the Hunter.

He is a feline and extremely silent when on the prowl. He can move through the fields or through the trees without making a sound once he has spotted his prey…
Inside the church, his name is Father Janes. He is about to get a visit from a beautiful girl with extra ordinary powers. Her name is Silhouette. He’s glad to see her. It’s been months he claims.
He’s about to get a visitor that he hasn’t seen in years. Unlike Silhouette, he won’t be happy to see this visitor.
Remember the cat I mentioned? His name is Bengal.
And he wants to kill Father Janes.

It happens in a flash. As Father Janes enters, Bengal pounces downward deflected at the last moment by Silhouette’s crutch. He pauses and asks the same question he asked Father Jane. If she heard the jungle breath.

Taking that second, once she knew Father Jane had escaped, Silhouette made for a bigger space. She knew she couldn’t take Bengal one on one. But Silhouette’s life is about to get much more complicated as a stranger watches from across the street…

Jumping over the very van that someone had been watching her from, she quickly melted into the shadows, leaving a very surprised Bengal only with her clothes remaining… slumped on the floor as if all this time he had been chasing some kind of phantasmal force…

In a brief interlude, we see Robbie Baldwin, better known as Speedball confronting his father, and showing him how he never seemed to care about Robbie or their mother… how his father knew so precious little about his very own son…

We also see Rich Rider, more better known as Nova, talking to his younger brother, Rob, explaining how he has taken on being Nova once again…

We also glimpse Vance Astrovick gathering his belongings and as he passes his father, informing him he must go now – his father quickly takes the chance to mock his son… a son that he had abused over the years…brutally…

The next glance goes to Nita and Angelica “Angel” Jones, better known as Namorita and Firestar of the New Warriors. Enjoying a walk on the town, discussing things from the New Warriors right down to shopping, their thoughts are interrupted by gun fire…

When they respond, they see a young mexican man shooting up the place, sweating, and shouting something about looking for his little sister… Namorita quickly notices there are no bullet holes in the wall suggesting that the man was firing blanks, as he claimed to be as soon as Namorita and Firestar arrived, busting in through a wall.

The two business men, threatened by the young man, quickly shout out that the man is crazy. When the young Mexican goes on to explain that he and his sister came here working for the two men to earn green cards; and that he had not seen his twelve year old sister in several weeks…  Namorita and Firestar quickly realize that the place was what they call a “sweat shop” – and a highly illegal organization. The two men claimed to be “respectable” business men… Namorita and Firestar found themselves in the middle of a very difficult situation…

Namorita finally said, “How about we call this one even? But you had better watch yourselves. Next time he comes in here he might not be firing blanks, and we might not want to stop him.”

When the New Warriors finally arrive and get together, Speedball explains that he feels his mother may be in trouble. He explains that she had gone to Brazil almost two months ago to work with Project: Earth in their attempts to stop the deforestation of the Amazon Jungle. He hadn’t heard from her since she left, and stranger still – she was due back home three weeks ago…

Namorita, Chord and Nova go on to explain that developers and the region’s natives were trying to squeeze out a living at the cost of more than two thousand square miles of forest per year. International criticism had been increasing – making the Brazilian Government more intent on handling the problems themselves. Not to mention that Project: Earth wasn’t helping the situation any, especially with their “questionable” record.

At that moment a very weak and very naked Silhouette melted through the shadows, collapsing to the ground after muttering the words, “Dwayne… he’s after me… he’s going to kill me…”
The New Warriors are startled for this is the first time that Silhouette has ever used her powers… suddenly concerned with Sil and who had done this to her, the subject of Robbie’s mother fades away…

When Night Trasher neglects the concern Robbie has made about his mother, it is Nova who jumps to Robbie’s defense first – whether out of friendship – or simple anger at how Night Thrasher led the New Warriors – is unknown. It is Vance who quickly refrains Nova with a telekinetic shield.

At this, Chord suggests that Night Thrasher can remain with Silhouette while he flies the others to Brazil to see what they can do about locating Robbie’s mother.

Another brief interlude shows the woman in Egypt uncovering an ancient crypt. As the top of it slides away, she frowns when she sees the mummified body has badly decomposed. But the frown is replaced by a coy smile when she says, “Sad to see my body has not kept so well… but the scepter has.”

Raising it in her hands, she claims the Scepter of Ka will be the final piece she needs to rule Egypt… then rule all of the world.

Back with the New Warriors… the truth reveals itself behind the masks. Marvel Boy reveals his identity to the others, showing who he is. Speedball does the same, showing that he is a much younger person than they had originally thought.

When they arrive in Brazil, Chord speaks with the clerk, completely fluent in Portuguese. After they leave, the same clerk is approached by three men and a woman. One asks who they are, and the clerk politely informs them that he can not release private information. Shaking his head, the red headed man makes a gesture and plants wrap around the clerk’s throat – and in seconds, absorb his life. The woman’s eyes flare and the decayed corpse burst into sudden flame, leaving now only ashes of what was once a man. The long haired man approaches and with a wave of his hand, summons a breeze to blow those very ashes into the wind… removing all evidence in mere minutes of the man who once lived a very complete life…

Back at the New Warriors base, Silhouette explains that she is able to assimilate and reincorporate herself in and out of any shadow or area of darkness. Dwayne, better known as Night Thrasher, also supplies her with a better set of braces. When questioned about her brother, Midnight’s Fire – Sil explains that he has enhanced strength, speed, and perception – which she also shares to a lesser degree.
After a brief moment… Silhouette and Night Thrasher began talking about what happened to her… and who attacked her.

At the church, as Father Janes is about to leave – an arrow strikes the door and Bengal once again makes his presence known. However, this time he finds his attack interrupted by Night Thrasher who knew to wait for Bengal by what he was told from Silhouette. A powerful fight begins between Night Thrasher and Bengal – and in every aspect they seem to be one another’s equals – as if fighting shadows of themselves. Both driven by a deeper rage and sense of justice in their souls. They could have probably fought one another to the end…

Had it not been for the sudden appearance and interruption of…