Back in the infancy of the Internet’s popularity (around 1994 or 1995), when I searched the web – something I wasn’t finding was a representation for this astounding comic I’d fallen madly in love with – a group of young misfits, banded together – to try and make a difference in the world – The New Warriors.
So I ended up using a free online site called Geocities (which most people probably don’t even remember what Geocities was – but back when people were first sharing their interests, Geocities was the hub for websites). Not even Archive seems to go that far back.

Not long after that, I took to starting a New Warriors mail list using eGroups (Editor’s Note – Link no longer works, not even through Archive), which was later purchased and became Yahoo Groups. But that group was founded way back in December 13th, 1998 – making it so that some of us – most of which have never met in person – have known each other for over twenty years because of our passion for New Warriors.
On February 3rd, 2020 my wife surprised me by purchasing the NewWarriors.com domain for me. The site went through thousands of redesigns as I continued to explore new ways to design the website. I eventually put a forum on the website (thanks, Archive) as I began moving things away from Yahoo Groups to a more controlled format. However, it wouldn’t be long before social media began to take off – and I closed down the forum as less people went there and ended up on Facebook, which was doing great – until, one day, it was brought to my attention early in the morning that the Facebook page I’d created was gone – all the content – just… gone. But what was in its place? Well, apparently Marvel contacted Facebook and took over the page and set it up for the show. Even though it looks as if the show is dead in the water, finding no home; I never did get my page restored. But I had created a new Facebook page and Group, figuring as much! (I strongly recommend joining the Facebook Group rather than the page, as the Group is very active and fun!)

In 2014, myself, Corey, and Doug (both of whom I’ve known since the days I made the eGroup) tried our hand at making a podcast about the New Warriors. We managed to record three episodes together, and despite it being a lot of fun – things didn’t work out. Every blue moon, I will randomly record an episode of me talking about the issues of the New Warriors as I make my way through the series. (Not that I am a stranger to talking to myself, but it can be odd just doing a podcast and having no one to bounce off of).

Back in May or June of 2017, I had made this almost a year ago, and had forgotten to officially post it on the site – but I made a New Warriors Chat Room on Discord. It’s now linked on the right under Social Media also.
The idea here was, that since many of us have known each other for over 20 years, that we could maybe meet on Discord and chat on there some time; or maybe see if we could get some of the folks who had a creative hand in with the New Warriors to come to Discord and do a Q&A.
That was my idea back in 2017, but I’ve still not really done much with it in that regard.
I do all of this, because I’ve always loved the New Warriors – I loved what they originally represented – people, who came together, despite all of their differences – to try and make a change – and all the things that they went through from start to finish that changed who they were fundamentally – and made them feel so… real.
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Thanks! And all we ever wanted to do was change the world.
- Tawmis.