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The issue opens up with Katie cramming her face with peanut butter and jam; and her parents tell the kids to clean up the table while they go to work and work some more late nights. James and Margaret explain they need to get ahead at work so that they can go on vacation.
After their parents leave, they put their Power Pack costumes on and Alex points out that since their powers got switched they’ve all been wearing the wrong costumes. They take off their costumes and attempt to exchange clothes; Katie unpacks all of the books in Julie’s pocket; which is like a pocket dimension (no pun intended, initially, I swear it). Katie ends up falling into the pocket uh dimension. She lands in a small area surrounded by several men who look similar to Mr. Clean; who do just that, try to clean Katie. She screams that she’s not a costume and tries to fly away but these men are able to grab her by the rainbow and wash her, leaving her to hang and dry. A cartoon looking individual (with the name Bossko) approaches her and releases her from the rainbow and explains that they get requests to clean garments from all across the galaxy. He explains since she entered the dimension without a proper tag, they don’t have a way to properly send her back. Bossko says they will need to go see the king, at some distant land. Bossko rides on the back of Katie’s rainbow trail until it suddenly unravels and sputters out. Katie and Bossko escape the rocs (giant birds) feeding on her rainbow trail and see a large house; they are pulled inside by a woman who tells them to take care of her little darlings, which look like emojiis with bodies, acting completely wild. Katie and Bossok try to calm them down and finally do and pass out. The woman returns and explains she can’t help, so they continue on their way and are attacked by the rocs again. The rocs explain they want to help and fly Katie and Bossok to a palace where physics do not make sense. After an ordeal, Katie is shown a way home and hugs Bossok and thanks him.
Realizing how it all works, Katie now says “Costumes off!” followed by “Costumes on!” and now all of the costumes are correctly corresponding and the correct size!