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The issue opens up with Dagger looking for Cloak, who she finds down in a sewer. He tells her to go away and that he doesn’t want to feed off of her light any longer. Dagger explains that she understood Cloak’s need to feed off of living light; but that the abduction of Duane Hellman into Cloak’s darkness was not the right way to do things; and that Dagger agreed with Captain O’Reilly, that Duane should be brought to justice. Cloak scoffs at the idea of Justice and disappears.
At the Holy Ghost Church, Captain O’Reilly speaks with Father Francis and confesses she was glad that Cloak took Duane into his shadow; but knew that she couldn’t let them take the law into their own hands, and that she got silver bullets to put a stop to Cloak (since regular bullets did not seem to effect Cloak). She departs and moments later, Dagger appears and tells Father Francis that Cloak has disappeared; and that she was exhausted having given Cloak so much of her own living light.
Dagger awakes in a bed and tells Father Francis that she normally uses her living light to feed Cloak’s darkness; and that’s what keeps his hunger in check. But after Cloak disappeared she’s just been sending her light out to try and find and feed him, which has weakened her so much that she passes out again after sending more light out to find Cloak.
Down in the sewers, Cloak finds several men gathered around a fire. Cloak absorbs the fire’s light and the men lunge at Cloak demanding to have their light. Dagger’s light finds Cloak and strikes him; and the fire for the men in the sewer is restored as Cloak’s darkness is fed.
At the Church, Father Francis carries Dagger out to the street and flags down a taxi and takes her to the hospital. Captain O’Reilly slips inside the Church and hides in the Confessional Booth, waiting for Cloak to appear. Instead, a band of thieves planning to steal things from the Church come in and Cloak appears and begins fighting them, throwing one against the confessional booth, blocking Captain O’Reilly inside the booth. A fight breaks out and Cloak manages to defeat most of them; but then thinks he sees Dagger, which allows one of them to strike him from behind, and he falls to the side, knocking over the man blocking the confessional booth. Captain O’Reilly leaps from the door and says that everyone is under arrest; and the thug fires at her, but Cloak pulls the bullet into the darkness and saves her life. He then looks at her and explains that justice must be served, and releases Duane Hellman from the shadows (see Cloak & Dagger #2 – Limited Series for more on Duane Hellman).
The scene shifts to the local hospital where several doctors tend to Dagger.