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Return to Power Pack (v2) issue listing!

The issue begins with Julie warning the others that the Snarks are attacking. Power Pack leads the Snarks outside, put on their costumes, and engage in a brief fight against the Snarks; who retreat too easily and make their escape.
Back on Snark World, Maraud tells the gathered council of Snarks that she intends to restore the Snarks to their former glory; but several members of the council don’t believe the clans are ready to engage in a galaxy wide war again.
Back on Earth, Alex’s first day of school he meets Carmen Chavez, who is one of the cheerleaders at the school. Another kid named Quinten Shaw introduces himself to Alex as well. At another school nearby, Julie runs into Randy Allen who affectionately calls her “Jules.” And at Katie’s school, she confronts her fears about school, having skipped several classes due to the exceptional high scores of her aptitude test. One of the fifth grade students tells her to get lost and that this isn’t a class for little kids; and Katie lets him know she is a fifth grader just like him.
Kofi and the Smartship, Data enter the wormhole left by the Snarks and end up near Jupiter, and continue their way to Earth, fearful that the Snarks had already beat them there.
Back on Earth, Randy asks Julie to go to the pep rally with him; she gets permission from her mom, and when Alex asks why Jack isn’t going (since Julie and Jack go to the same middle school), Jack retorts that it will be lame, but he’s sure to hear about it from “Jules” he taunts.
Speaking of Julie, the pep rally turns out to be a part at Randy Allen’s house, that includes alcohol. Julie is nervous; but Randy asks for her help. She agrees, and he reveals he didn’t need help – he just wanted to spend some alone time with her. She declines the drink he offers, so he leans forward and kisses her. She pushes him away and runs into a room and locks the door. She cries as she hears the others at the party laughing, and wishes she could just go home; and suddenly her body glows and she teleports just outside her house. Julie runs in crying, but no one has time to figure out what is wrong, as their mother suddenly collapses!
They rush her into the car, and their father drives her to the hospital, leaving the kids behind. Just as he drives off, the Smartship Data appears with Kofi, and a Snark, who explains that there is another group of Snarks after the Power Pack children – and just then, Emperor Jakal’s Snark foot soldiers appear again!