Night Thrasher #2 (2024)

The issue opens up with Dwayne Taylor (Night Thrasher) in the bathroom, having just finished up from a shower, with Silouette waiting on the other side of the door. Dwayne explains that he’s upset and embarrassed that he got so badly beaten, commenting that Elvin (Rage) had gotten much stronger since his time on the New Warriors. Dwayne then presses Silhouette asking if she really didn’t know that this “O.G.” who was running this gang of kids was Elvin.

Silhouette explains that they’d all lost touch; and that Elvin truly adopted the name “Rage” because all he ever wanted to do was fight because he was so hurt. She then explains that she even thought he’d died. (Note: He was indeed believed to have been killed during an invasion by the Venom-like symbiotes. See Rage for more information).

Silhouette explains that when Dwayne, Namorita, and Microbe all died at Stamford; all of the survivors were hurt. She explains that when Dwayne came back, and then left again, everyone was reeling and hurting all over again; herself, Elvin, and even her father, Andrew Chord. Dwayne tells Silhouette that Elvin isn’t the same Elvin he used to be; the way he fought Dwayne with sheer rage and strength – he was trying to hurt Dwayne and there was no compassion for any relationship/friendship that existed before. Dwayne explains to Silhouette that he needs to stop Elvin and his gang.

Elsewhere, in the old subway tunnel systems of Harlem, Elvin leads the gang of children, explaining that their old place is compromised and they need to move. One of the gang members named Kendrick asks Elvin who “Night Thrasher” was – and Elvin explains that he’s no one to be concerned about; and that he was someone that used to care about the people who fell through the cracks, but not anymore.

Back at the Taylor Foundation, Councilman Ezra Ikolo approaches Silhouette to try and convince her to speak with Dwayne about not shutting down the Taylor Foundation. Silhouette explains that she’s tried and that if he wants that to happen, he will need to please his case with Dwayne.

Elsewhere, Captain Armez of the Police Department, gathers his officers around and begins formulating a plan to finally put O.G. and his crew down once and for all; they’re convinced that someone is helping O.G. and so they begin to question – even to the point of harassing – some of the people of Harlem to try and gather information and shake down anything they can about O.G. and his crew.

Dwayne and Silhouette are able to figure out where Elvin and his crew are going to strike next; and make a plan to stop him. However, Captain Armez and the Harlem police have also figured out Elvin’s pattern and are ready for him. In an effort to de-escalate the situation, Night Thrasher goes after Elvin, while Silhouette tries to convince the kids to stand down; the police manage to arrest a large number of the kids; while Elvin begins destroying cop cars, Night Thrasher is forced to hit Elvin with ten thousand volts of electricity from his newly customized armor, which knocks Elvin out. When the police attempt to arrest Night Thrasher, Silhouette grabs him and teleports away.