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The issue begins with the Power Pack children, with their powers now switched, doing a recovery mission on the Smartship Friday, which seems to have perished the last issue. Kofi explains that he suspects that his cousin who originally gave the Power Pack children their powers; did it based on their current needs; and because their needs during the Snark War changed; their powers also changed as they return to their bodies.
Finding a light, fading quickly within the Smartship Friday, Franklin uses his “dream walk” power to find Yrik and explain that the Smartship Friday seems to still be alive; but fading fast. Kofi asks his father if Friday can be saved; and confesses to the death of Yrik’s Smartship, Datta. Yrik grows furious and Kofi quickly teleports away, saying that his father – despite what Katie had said – had not changed at all, caring more about the Smartship than is own son.
Back on Earth, Margaret is finally home from the hospital crying in her kids bedroom. Not too far away, Cloak and Dagger are cracking down on local thugs to see if they can find any information regarding the Power kids; and one of the thugs mentions maybe it was mutants because of the weird stuff going on in Central Park (and there’s a footnote to reference current issues of X-Factor).
Back on Snarkworld, the Emperor banishes the Queen and her clan off of Snarkworld, and offers the advice to Yrik to make amends with Kofi, and stop blaming him for his mother’s death, before a separation so deep runs between them, and creatures the fissure that existed between himself and Jakal. The Power Pack kids, along with Franklin board one of the ships that will be heading to Earth, and Kofi sneaks aboard the ship as well.
The ship takes off and Alex seeks out Kofi and explain that he’s tired of being part of a group; he’s older and needs to be on his own. Kofi asks if Alex told the others that he had come aboard, and Alex assured him he did not, because he didn’t trust them, because they were kids.
On Earth, Reed has figured out what Franklin’s note means, and gathers the rest of the Fantastic Four (currently: Sue, Human Torch and She-Hulk, taking the place of Thing). The two ships pass each other in space; the Snark ship lands and uses a cloaking device to appear as a hill in Central Park; just as Cloak and Dagger arrive and take notice to the unusual hill. The Snarks escort the Power Pack kids out, along with Yrik; but find themselves attacked by Cloak and Dagger, who believe them to be the abductors. Chaos breaks out, but the fight is finally brought to an end after Kofi sees just why his father is always so angry. Having been swallowed into Cloak’s darkness, Alex shoots an energy ball that Kofi follows inside of Cloak and sees the horror his father bares witness to: Yrik’s mate (Kareen), being attacked and killed by large bat like creatures, while Yrik is forced to helplessly watch. Kareen died, because she refused to leave infant Kofi behind.
Cloak teleports everyone to the Powers home; where the Power Pack children jump into the arms of their mother and father and explain everything that happened.