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The scene opens up with Julie sewing arm wings into Alex’s costume to allow him better control when he uses his gravity based powers. Jack tries to pressure Julie into hurrying, because “The Asgardians will be heading home soon.” Julie yells at Jack about the principal’s note she has for cheating on the Math quiz, which she wasn’t even going to cheat on – and that it’s his fault because he was whispering to her to try to get her attention when he was in his reduced form. Julie then flies off angry, through the window and leaves.
Julie ends up flying over the park where a large crowd has gathered to watch the Asgardians return to Asgard (with a note that Power Pack interacted with the Asgardians in Thor #357). Once again, Julie finds herself being observed by the all too familiar Carmody – better known as The Bogey Man who thinks to himself about how the “Muties” (see the previous issue as to this reference and why he calls them that) had thought him defeated.
Meanwhile, Alex, Jack and Katie use their powers to head for the park to watch the Asgardians leaving, once they finish Alex’s arm wings on his costume. At the park, Beta Ray Bill spins his hammer, Stormbreaker, and opens a portal. Julie observes from a flag stand atop of a building. Julie is mortified about the whole cheating thing, and thinks it’s better that she start her life anew somewhere else; and gets the idea of doing so at Asgard. Julie tries to sneak in by following Volstagg, but he hears her and grabs her just as Alex, Jack and Katie arrive and briefly mistake him for a troll. Fandral and Hogun arrive to clear things up quickly.
The scene changes briefly to young Franklin Richards, the son of Reed and Sue Richards, of the Fantastic Four; who awakens from a nightmare of what appears to be a ship similar to – or perhaps even – Friday – and a Snark in another ship. Jarvis, the butler to the Avengers, assures Franklin that it was all just a dream.
The scene shifts and we see Power Pack chasing the Bogey Man. Power Pack defeats him and he’s weaponless so he says he surrenders, then punches Alex Power. The Warriors Three (Volstagg, Fandral and Hogun) observe the fight and Volstagg points out that the villain (Bogey Man) lacks honor. Hogun agrees and throws his dagger, striking Bogey Man’s power source sending him, yet again, crashing into a body of water. This time the Power Pack kids recover him and drop him in front of the Warriors Three – and Hogun not only threatens to end the Bogey Man permanently – but also swears that the Power Pack children are under his, and Thor’s protection, from this day forward.
At home, Julie gives the principal’s note to her father, and explains that the note with the Math test answers that had been passed to her – she wasn’t going to use. Her father explains that similar situation had happened to him and that he understood and trusted her.