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The issue begins with a fishing ship pulling up what appears to be a giant, over 60′ purple cobra like serpent. It’s gaze causes those that see it to immediately collapse into sleep; and had it not been for the captain falling back against the horn and startling the giant, aquatic serpent – rendering it unconscious – who knows what fate might have come for those sea men!
Power Pack sneaks off at night to meet with the Smartship, Friday and show him the newspaper clipping. Friday provides them information that this appears to be a Xanthian Boulder Crusher, an alien serpent that is capable of rendering people unconscious with its gaze. The creature is relocated to the Aquarium at Coney Island, where the Power Pack’s grandfather plans to take them the next day. At the Aquarium, their grandfather explains that the odd creature, appears to be a giant, aquatic snake that no one is able to identify; but it has gills and lungs, which is odd for an aquatic creature. Even more strangely since it’s arrival, it has been slumbering – perhaps in hibernation.
Katie plays a flute at the Aquarium, which suddenly awakens the creature, who immediately renders several people unconscious with its gaze. The Xanthian Boulder Crusher begins to rampage through the Aquarium, endangering people and animals alike, forcing Power Pack to save both. Jack tries his shrinking hit trick – but the Xanthian Boulder Crusher barely feels it. Alex eventually reverses it’s gravity and Julie pulls it out to the ocean and they drop it there. Marrina, of Alpha Flight shows up and explains that those rendered unconscious by the Xanthian Boulder Crusher’s gaze, will regain consciousness within an hour. She also explains that the creature is a part of The Collector’s collection – and that it (named Snake Eyes) and herself – had been captured by the Collector, but liberated by her team, Alpha Flight, along side with Spider-Man.