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The issue begins with Julie having a nightmare about the Bogey Man ripping apart the Power family. She awakens to a scream and Katie comforts her and assures her everything will be fine, because Julie is graduating elementary school with honors!
James and Margaret leave to go get good seats; and Jack comments on several brochures he’s found around the house about Maine. Mrs. Williams from upstairs calls and asks Julie if she’s willing to babysit her son, Tommy tomorrow, because her regular babysitter can’t make it. Julie accepts and then leaves, catching up to her friends Jennie and Ruth. She successfully graduates and her parents take plenty of pictures with her and her friends. They then head to the park together, where Allison, Alex, Jack and Katie watch as Julie, her two friends – Ruth and Jennie – and the Power’s parents, James and Margaret all head to meet them there.
A game of badminton begins and the girls discuss how the new school they will be going to has a less than stellar reputation; but it’s the same school Alex and Allison go to; but it’s also the same school that the three girls that had previously stolen their stuffed animals also went to (see Power Pack #35 for more on that). Allison assures them that the scariest thing at the school is a teacher named Ms. Applebomb.
At home, Julie asks if she can babysit (since she’d already agreed to it). Her mother thinks it’s fine; and Julie is happy to see her parents trust her with more responsibilities. She creates a list in her room to determine if she’s still a little girl or grown up; and decides if she can do the baby sitting gig without using her powers, she will officially be grown up.
The next night, Tommy seems like he’s going to cry the entire night, until Julie does a handstand and falls over, which makes him laugh. Then the two of them seem to get along very well. Julie feeds Tommy dinner; but that he spits out. He then throws his fork, wears the plate of food on his head, puts the plate of food on Julie’s head; all the while, she stops paying attention to her own food cooking, which begins to boil over. She tries to manage that and Tommy begins crawling away. He begins throwing his toys around, as if looking for something. She then tries to change his diaper, without much success, so she tries giving him a bath, and then successfully changing his diaper. Tommy finally goes down for a nap, but in order to clean the mess, she knows she will not only need to use her powers; but also call on her siblings to help clean, which they gladly help with. Tommy’s parents arrive and pay Julie, and thank her. Julie uses the money to buy her family ice cream and admits that she’s having trouble finding an identity for herself; and her mother assures her that’s a part of growing up. Their father then brings up taking a vacation!