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Real Name: Sun (First Name, Unrevealed)
Aliases: H.E.R.B.I.E.
Identity: Secret Identity
Occupation: Scientist, Would-Be Conqueror
Citizenship: Chinese Citizen
Place of Birth: Beijung, China, People’s Republic of China
Known Relatives: Unnamed Son (Deceased)
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: Tomb of Dracula #16
History: Doctor Sun was a part of Project Mind, which focused on separating the brain from the body and allowing it to existing using brain pulses through computer energy. A high ranking Chinese general accused Doctor Sun of stalling and sentenced him to be the first test subject of Project Mind. Doctor Sun’s heart was stopped, and his brain removed and put into a jar and connected to a computer which allowed him to access the electric energy of computers.
With his knowledge as a living computer brain, Doctor Sun gained immense powers; such as mind control, which he used on Chinese employees to hide his activities. The downside was that he learned that he required fresh blood in order for his brain to continue “living” and he began researching Vampires. This brought him in contact with Lucas Brand, who’d been a vampire leader of a motorcycle gang (and made into vampires by Dracula). Dr. Sun then trained Lucas Brand to train and fight Dracula, managing to successfully capturing Dracula – and Dr. Sun transferred Dracula’s powers to Brand so he could control vampires as Dracula had, in hopes of raising his own vampire army who could fetch him blood. However, Brand eventually rebelled and sided with Dracula, and Dr. Sun was forced to destroy Brand.
Doctor Sun would continue to clash with Dracula over the years. However, eventually Dr. Sun discovered Nova and learned of the young hero’s connection to the Xandarian starship that had been orbiting the Earth. Dr. Sun had hoped to get aboard the ship and use the alien technology to enhance his powers and take over the world. Dr. Sun ended up sending his consciousness into the Xandarian computer system where the Fantastic Four eventually helped to fight against the Skrulls and Sphinx. The Fantastic Four transferred (unknowingly) Dr. Sun’s consciousness to their mechanical assistant on Earth known as H.E.R.B.I.E.
When the Fantastic Four returned and eventually learned what had transpired – Reed Richards trapped Dr. Sun’s essence within one computer – and left Dr. Sun the option of forever remaining in a disconnected system or trying to possess H.E.R.B.I.E. again. H.E.R.B.I.E. realized what Dr. Sun might attempt and self destructed himself and the machine that Dr. Sun had been trapped in, heroically sacrificing himself and destroying the last remnants of Dr. Sun’s consciousness.
Height: 3’7″ (as a brain), 7’4″ (robot form), 2′ (H.E.R.B.I.E.), 5’6″ (Human)
Weight: 3 lbs (as a brain), 445 lbs (robot form), 60 lbs (H.E.R.B.I.E.), 165 lbs (Human)
Eyes: None, Yellow (as H.E.R.B.I.E.)
Hair: None, Black (Human form)
Powers: As the robot Dr. Sun had great powers; but also suffered considerable limitations. In order to maintain the “life” of the brain, he had to consume human blood every 24 hours. This gave him the ability to emit kinetic force blasts and mind control. He was also able to speak and comprehend thousands of languages, due to his computerized brain. He was also able to transfer his consciousness into other robotic forms.