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This issue begins with the Smartship Friday crashing into the apartment complex of the Power family. Due to their powers, Power Pack was able to protect themselves as well as their parents. Alex is however hit by falling rubble and knocked out, so Franklin jumps into his body and takes control while sending his “Dream Self” to fetch help from his parents – Reed and Sue Richards, better known as Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four. They’re able to extract the Power family from the collapsed apartment.
Inside Raymond notes that Friday seems to have died (yet again – with no real explination), but the Elan alien extracts a tiny microchip and assures Raymond that there’s intelligence within the chip that is undoubtedly Friday. Together, they all head to Freedom’s Four Plaza, where Reed reveals that he has found a way to reverse Yrik’s mental influence over Margaret, but that she may have suffer some brain dysfunction due to it. With Friday’s help, Reed also discovers a way to reverse Alex’s effect of being turned into a Kymellian; but the process is interrupted seemingly by Franklin; but it turns out to be the Fantastic Four villain – The Red Ghost and his Super Apes! Red Ghost reveals he’s there to steal the Friday tech – and a fight ensues. Margaret awakens in another room and asks what’s going on and Raymond goes outside and sees the fighting and suddenly emits a blast from his arms, revealing now more than ever – he’s more than he appears.
Red Ghost defeats everyone – but from the smoke, James Power stands – now wearing a Kymellian like costume, a goatee, and a red visor – and says he’s there to stop the Red Ghost…?!