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The issue begins with Alex heading for the Barbershop to shave his head; but as he gets there, he turns around, unable to commit to it.
Back at the Power house hold, they others (except their mother) are gathered around, having breakfast, when Julie points out going to the Circus that’s in town; mostly because a rich prince is said to be attending and she finds him attractive. James freaks out and tells everyone to remain calm, that they don’t want to say or do anything to upset their mother further.
Alex shows up at home and reveals, by taking off a hat, that he’s indeed buzzed his hair down.
Back at the Four Freedom’s Plaza, Reed and Sue tell Franklin that the Elan alien must go back home; and that Franklin will be living with the Power family to be around children his own age. The homeless man (now all dressed up) introduces himself as Raymond (and Reed feels like he’s met him before), and they leave.
Elsewhere, the Ringmaster – leader of the Circus of Crime – assures his team it is past time to give up the life of crime, because it’s never benefited them, and they’re all going to end up spending the majority of their lives behind bars; but his team disagrees with him, saying that the prince who is coming to the circus is too big of a target to pass up. Behind Ringmaster’s back, the Clown convinces Strongman, Livewire, The Great Gambino Brothers and the Human Cannon Ball to all agree that they will target the prince.
On the decimated planet remains of the Elan planet, the Elan suddenly speaks English and tells Raymond is wishes to return to Earth and be a part of Power Pack.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, the Circus of Crime attempts to steal the prince’s jewel; and Power Pack races to stop them and the jewel ends up in Ringmaster’s hands – and he briefly considers stealing it – but hands it over to the prince. The police come in and begin arresting him, despite the prince’s protest – so Ringmaster uses his hypnotic hat to make everyone believe it was a great show, and they quickly exit.
Later, James Power finds some of Margaret’s recent paintings, and finds them all to be dark and depressing. He tries to talk to her, but she’s non responsive as she gazes out the window in a catatonic state.
Later Alex feels dizzy and goes into the bathroom to find his hair has sprouted.