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Real Name: Jason Dean
Aliases: None
Identity: Known to local authorities
Occupation: Criminal Businessman
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen with a known criminal record
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Maggia
First Appearance: Nova (Volume 1) #12
History: Jason Dean worked with the criminal organization Maggie, who provided him with a special suit and gun to go and acquire the Transistorized Nuclear Device from inventor, Dr. Ralph Rider. Along with two others, Franklin Risk and Harry Daze, Jason appeared at the home of Dr. Richards offering a bid on the device. However, when Dr. Richards answered the door – the three men disappeared and Photon appeared, gunning him down. The three reappeared and contacted the police, feigning innocence. When Dr. Richard’s butler, Manners, appeared to have information, Photon appeared, yet again, killing him as well. When the police began piecing it together, Franklin Risk hit the lights, and the trio quickly fled the scene.
This murder of Dr. Ralph Rider drew the attention of Nova, because Dr. Rider was his uncle. Both Nova and Spider-Man tracked Photon down to a facility full of AIM agents and also found Photon among them. The two heroes partnered up but were defeated by Photon! Photon told the AIM agents to take care of the heroes – but this allowed Spider-Man and Nova to recover, and the duo were able to defeat Photon and the AIM agents, and Photon was unmasked to reveal he was Jason Dean.
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 169 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Grey
Powers: None. Photon’s powers come from the costume provided by the Maggia, which allow him to amplify his natural abilities, giving him increased strength and endurance. The gun also has several abilities, ranging from firing a blinding light that can render targets unconscious to a blast capable of melting concrete and steel.