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The issue begins with the phone ringing and Katie racing to answer it because the rest of her siblings are grounded (see last issue). It’s James Power, and as he’s speaking to them, there’s suddenly a black out in the city. James asks about their mother, who is not yet home, so Katie surmises that she’s probably still on the subway.
The kids find the flashlight and Katie offers to go to the subway since the rest of her siblings are on restriction.
Katie reaches the subway and discovers that it’s under attack by one of Apocalypse’s Horsemen, Pestilence. Katie distracts Pestilence and gets them to chase her instead; but Pestilence manages to touch Katie, and sends her spiraling.
At the Power’s home, Julie, Alex and Jack look out the window and see a giant craft hovering over the city and change into their costumes to go examine; and see Katie’s faltering rainbow trail. They find her and pull together to heal her, and take to the skies again where they find Cyclops and Jean Grey of X-Factor fighting Pestilence near the bottom of Apocalypse’s craft.
Julie manages to “Jack Hammer” Pestilence, which knocks her off her horse; but Katie races after her, even though she’s a villain. That’s when Archanel appears (still apparently under Apocalypse’s servitude at this time) and attacks, clipping a large antenna, that pulls Pestilence from Katie’s hand and crushes Pestilence beneath it’s weight. Archanel then suddenly disappears. Jean explains that perhaps deep down, Pestilence did not want to be saved, because she was once a normal mutant, who got changed and twisted by the evil of Apocalypse, similar to how he had changed and twisted Angel into the Angel of Death.
Apocalypse’s ship seems out of control when it’s headed to the Statue of Liberty, and through combined forces, Power Pack manages to detour it from striking the Statue and sending it instead into the ocean, where it slowly sinks beneath the waves.
The Power Pack kids get home, just as their mother walks in the door, and Katie confesses she went outside and the others came to find her because she got lost. Their mother is just thankful that they’re all okay.