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The story begins with the cops taking away the corpse of Raphael, the brother of Johnny. Alex is furious that Crack is responsible for taking another life. He powers up and his siblings are forced to cover for him and change into their costumes. They spot a drug dealer on the street, dealing Crack, and decide to follow him.
They follow the drug dealer to a warehouse where a large African American lifts a concrete slab effortlessly. The drug dealer references him as “Brute.” They peer inside one of the windows an see several kids, lying around the floor, all high on Crack and other drugs. The Power Pack children promise to return after the school play.
Just before the school play, Alex sees more drug dealers dishing out Crack to new and previous users. Alex excuses himself from the play while his siblings are on stage, telling his mother and father he’s not feeling well. He swears he’s going to put an end to some drug dealers and dons the costume and absorbs random trash bags. After the play, the other Power children claim to be sick.
The scene changes to the Crack House that they had looked into previously and Alex is climbing the fence and making his way to the top when the one named Brute, and another one with scaly skin and razor sharp claws, named “Razor Cut” hear something upstairs where Alex is.
Back at the Power’s house, the kids claim to be tired and “rush to bed.” But once inside the room, they don their Power Pack costumes and immediately head for the Crack House, knowing that’s where Alex has headed.
Inside, Alex is charged up and dispensing energy blasts, left and right, destroying as much as he can inside the Crack House. He finds himself fighting Airhead, Blasting Cap, Crazy Legs, Brute and Razor Cut and they call themselves “Trash.” The rest of the Power children arrive and a fight breaks out between Power Pack and Trash; right up until Brute rips out the oven and throws it, and causes an explosion. Both teams manage to escape, and Alex admits that it took the entire team to bring down the Crack House. They fly home, feeling a small victory that at least Crack won’t be made in that abandoned warehouse anymore.