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Heart of the Hawk contains three stories entitled: Cry of the City, Long Way From Home and Last Flight.
Cry of the City
This story begins in the past, where we see Chris wearing the old, boxier version of the Darkhawk armor where he’s seen spying on the criminal mastermind, Phillipe Bazin, whom he wants to get revenge on since he feels Phillipe is responsible for corrupting his father, Michael Powell, who was a police officer.
However, his mission is interrupted as he hears a car screeching out of control nearby. He leaps down and saves the car from colliding into a truck – and inside is one of Phillipe Bazin’s goons – a man named Vic, who is driving – none other than Phillipe Bazin’s daughter, Allegra, whom Darkhawk has met before (in Darkhawk #8). As Darkhawk, Chris quickly runs around the corner and uses his amulet to change into himself – believing he may be able to get information from Allegra as Chris. Chris and Allegra go for a walk – and get some ice cream, and her flirtatious nature is clearly seen – but Chris tells her that he has a girlfriend. Just as she begins talking about acting out to get her father’s attention and the “secret business” he runs – the two find themselves under fire by yet another person Chris has run into before as Darkhawk – the armored Savage Steel (Darkhawk #8 again). In the confusion Chris runs into an alleyway and changes back into Darkhawk and tries to stop Savage Steel; however, during the fight – a wall is knocked loose, endangering innocent by-standards – so Darkhawk breaks off from the fight to try and hold up the wall, however – it weighs more than he can handle – and is quite surprised when Savage Steel shows up to hold up the wall as well, explaining that no innocents will die on his shift.
Phillipe Bazin’s men take advantage of the occupied heroes and fire a rocket launcher at Savage Steel, knocking him over then firing machine guns at the two. Darkhawk quickly takes to the defense and shields them – then fights Brazin’s men as Savage Steel makes his escape. Darkhawk knows he can catch him, but figures they will meet again.
Savage Steel lands in a nearby van, and when he removes his helmet, it’s none other than Michael Powell himself! We learn that it’s police officers, who are tired of criminals being put in jail and eventually going free – and Michael Powell explains that threatening to use kids, such as Allegra is a line they shouldn’t cross.

Long Way From Home
This story takes place just after the War of Kings event, where we see Chris is wearing a robe, and hood, and located on the Kortaki Colonly, found somewhere in the Inner Rim.
He enters an establishment, full of a wide assortment of alien humanoids, who are all survivors of the War of Kings that decimated so many alien colonies. Chris sits at the bar and speaks with the alien bartender, who explains that times have been rough, and that they’ve been trying to slowly rebuild. While he’s sitting there – the Data Song – the language of the Darkhawk armor shows him an image of razor sharp teeth and a tongue – and as suspicion grows about Chris’ presence, Chris mentions that he’s now positive of what some of the patrons of the bar are – and just as he does – several of the patrons reveal themselves to be the vicious Brood. Chris realizes that a broken colony without much in the way of heroes to defend it, makes for the perfect nesting ground for the Brood that were apparently nearly wiped out as a result of the War of Kings event and looking to repopulate their numbers. Chris switches to his Darkhawk armor and begins fighting the Brood, telling the other patrons to flee for their lives.
Despite the previous story (and Chris’ history of hesitating to kill a living thing) – Chris seems to have no problem decimating the Brood with lethal force. And by the time the battle is won, the small bar is once again in ruins.
Last Flight
This story takes place in the present – where we see what appears to be an older, more mature Chris Powell sitting in a seat. His ship is drifting near a enormous white energy signature in space, where he mentions he’s been using his ship’s power to prevent whatever from coming through – but now his ship’s energy is nearly depleted. He notes that the gravitational force of the energy make it impossible to transmit any signals out – so he can’t call for help – but what he can do – and what he finally decides to do – is send the Darkhawk crystal back in time – with all the knowledge he had attained – in hopes that it can be found and someone can stop whatever’s on the other side.
The end does show Coming Later This Year – Darkhawk Soars Again.