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Return to the 2021 Darkhawk Issue Listing.
When the issue begins, Connor changes back and forth from his human form to his “Darkhawk” form noticing that there’s some changes, such as his height.
Connor’s father calls him downstairs where they review his medication. When Connor’s father gets a call, about a job he’d applied for and learns that there is no position for him, he comes back to find Connor on the floor screaming in pain – due to the medication that was coursing through his system. His father cradles him tenderly.
Derek shows up at Connor’s house about some exclusive shoes that were coming out and how they’d agreed to try to get some – but Connor isn’t interested anymore because of the cost and tries to lie to Derek claiming he couldn’t go if he wanted to because of doctor’s appointments. But Derek counters him explaining how he’d asked Connor’s father if he’d had any appointments and knew he was lying to him now. Connor goes on to explain that he and his father have talked and it’s not clear if insurance will cover the medical bills or medication that Connor requires. Derek says that his aunt sent him a gift card which he sold for cash and was going to surprise Connor anyway; so that for today, not to worry about the cost of the promotional shoes. As they pass the damage that’d been done to the store near the pier (see last issue), Derek wonders why a hero would spend time in Woodlawn.
They arrive at the PVRMO shop and there’s a small line; but Derek mentions how Connor is a basketball star, and the security guard lets them cut in line. Ganke Lee, who is standing next to Miles Morales, mentions how Miles should mention who he is! (Spoiler alert – he goes by the name Spider-Man as well). On the way back home from the shoe store, several people attempt to rob them of their shoes and Derek gives chase and finds himself at the end of several guns – and to his surprise – as well as the robbers, none other than Darkhawk suddenly appears! The men unload on Darkhawk but he’s unphased; but during the fight a small bomb is thrown on Darkhawk that knocks him to the ground.
Derek growls how one way or the other, the suit is going to be his and draws his gun. Darkhawk reveals he’s actually Connor – and Derek explains that he has to have the armor, and Connor realizes that one of the men that he’d encountered as Darkhawk was one of the three men he’d fought by the pier. As they begin to argue, Miles Morales, in his Spider-Man suit arrives, drawn by the sound of gunfire and explosions.
Later, Derek returns to Shawn Trella and explains that there’s nothing he can do about getting the Darkhawk armor. Someone by the name of “Mr. Colt” arrives and explains how he’s disappointed in Derek – and guns him down, murdering Derek.